That Funny Guy~

For my birthday, a while back, my cute little daughter gave me a ticket to Brian Regan–one of the funniest comedians on the planet. Have you ever seen this guy? Apparently, he’s all over on cable and doing specials all the time. The best part about him–and I’m being serious now– is that he’s clean–I know, right? You are free to just sit back and laugh without anything to worry about. Ahhhh….

I found this clip on YouTube, you know, in case you’d like a snippet. He was just fabulous and I laughed so hard, my face ached…

true story.

Thanks Jillian!!

11 Replies to “That Funny Guy~”

  1. I agree…he’s just soooo funny! he is one of my favorite comedians, aside from Kevin James! Another great one! I wish I had tickets to see either one of them!

  2. One of my favorite things is how he bounces around the stage. He has such a funny walk…it just makes me laugh before he even talks. :}

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