Sugared Shortbread

Once upon a time–when I was a mere kid of 16, my family went to Scotland one summer–to visit long, nearly lost family nestled in the hills somewhere. It was an incredible trip that included checking out the local shopping mall where my dad promptly bought about 2 billion pounds of Scottish Shortbread all dolled up in those cute little red plaid tins. Pretty sure he figured that’s what you do in Scotland–you buy shortbread.

Well, on that very same day, we silly Americans locked our keys in the rental car which was parked in a lonely underground parking garage. Dear old Dad charged off to find help and didn’t come back for like three hours. I’m not lying–ask my sister. Anyway,  it was hot and muggy and we had nowhere to sit and nothing to drink and nothing to eat. Nothing, that is, except for Scottish Shortbread. By the time dad came back with Scotland Yard with the proper break-in-to-your-car equipment, the rest of us had completely eaten one of the two billion pounds of shortbread. Yeah, at that point, for me–the room was starting to spin but everyone else seemed to be completely unscathed. What luck.

Long story–short, it took about 10 years for me to get over the Scottish Shortbread Gluttonfest Fiasco of 1975, to where I could actually be in the same room with that little plaid tin and not feel my grip on reality slipping.

Many years and a couple of therapists later, I’m totally over it. In fact, I can actually make my very own Scottish Shortbread–and wolf it down with the best of them. It’s pretty dang good too–if I do say so myself. Might be better dipped in a melted Symphony bar, but we’ll hold that thought for another day.

Sugared Shortbread


1 cup butter

1 cup powdered sugar

2 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 cup sanding sugar

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy–about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low and slowly add flour and salt; mix just until blended and crumbly.

Press into an 9 x 13 pan and cut it into slices.

Prick with a fork and sprinkle with sanding sugar. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until edges start to barely brown. Cool for about 15 minutes then turn out onto counter and re-cut along the lines.

Allow to cool completely–and nibble in moderation…or dip in chocolate as previously mentioned and eat in the local parking garage.

I can not help you–you’re on your own.

Good luck.


Sugared Shortbread
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ⅓ cup sanding sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy–about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low and slowly add flour and salt; mix just until blended and crumbly. Press into an 9 x 13 pan and cut it into slices. Prick with a fork and sprinkle with sanding sugar. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until edges start to barely brown. Cool for about 15 minutes then turn out onto counter and re-cut along the lines. Allow to cool completely.


8 Replies to “Sugared Shortbread”

  1. I’m pretty glad you got over your aversion to shortbread… we’ve all benefitted because of it! 😉 I would love to go to Scotland someday! I’ll have to start saving my pennies. 🙂

  2. I do love shortbread! I have an English friend who sends it to me on special occasions. I can make it as well but its best not to as I have no problem with eating the entire thing! I have a desert that uses a shortbread crust that has the addition of pecans added to it. It is simply to die for!

  3. That’s really should be our next HUGE family excursion. Seriously…wonder if they have a “Cruise to Scotland.” HAAAAA!

  4. Scottish shortbread has zero calories…Scottish shortbread has zero calories…Scottish shortbread has zero calories…
    Chant that to yourself as you bake. I think it helps. :]

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