Nest Building

Lyndi, at last, is beginning to look like she’s expecting. Her body is so long and willowy that her baby girl has been able to hide away from all of us…until now. She kicks and squirms so much more these days, like she wants to be sure we know she’s there, waiting to be ours. She’s like her mama that way. They haven’t settled on a name yet and so the sweet thing has been dubbed Baby Chomp after the Nintendo character. Lyndi says, “You know that phase where you’re just starving, so you eat…and then 5 minutes later, you’re starving again.” Baby Chomp…get it?

Of course, she felt like she was eating everything in sight–like Pac man–tortillas, Tillamook, Goldfish crackers, Teddy Grahams and anything with cream cheese on it. All of which was very new and scary to this daughter. But I think her body was making up for all the year’s she spend flitting and dancing around forgetting to eat altogether. She’s happily somewhere in the middle now.

So, as the temperature keeps dropping and we huddle in a bit more closely to home, I’ll start pulling out some of the finer yarns and slightly smaller hooks and begin the stacks of toasty things, to keep the new one coming snuggly warm. The booties and socks and caps and leggings. Then to rekindle interest in the dozens of half-worked projects waiting to be finished.

There are 4 or 5 shawls and wraps in the works, countless slippers for 20 or so feet, new hats for the twins, soft, jingly toys–with no noisy microchips attached–thank Heavens, and my own version of “doggy dollies” –that I will show you in the next little while. A few piles of crocheting are for now, most have the Christmas deadline–and the rest are for January…for that tiny face we don’t know yet.

All to keep my baby birds warm till spring.

Do Not Disturb

No raking please…

Just let the leaves stay right where they are. I’m not finished with them. I need them to drift and swirl and float and land and rest undisturbed for a while yet.

I’ve waited so long–all winter, all spring, all summer in fact, to stand in the wind and let the browns and yellows and woody greens and reds…oh, the reds, fall into my out stretched fingers.

Please let them stay until I’ve had my fill. Until there is no need for jumping in them or hiding under them or sloshing through them. Until the very sight and smell of them no longer makes me breathe more deeply–with my eyes shut–to lock them safely inside my heart. Until the feel of them falling in my hair no longer makes me shiver like Christmas.

My advice to you is…please


The Bald Kid’s Friend…

In Remembrance

Bishop Dolegiewicz

A man I met only once, and that was from afar. I watched as he laughed, joked, taught, and mentored my youngest brother and realized that he was giving Rhen the gift of seeing his own potential. “Bish” (the name he went by) coached my brother in shot put, and Rhen loved learning from him. He was a world class athlete, competed in the ’76, ’80, and ’84 Olympic Games, and was also the “World’s Strongest Man.” He taught Rhen about throwing with better form, being strong, and about the trajectory his shot put would take. Sadly, he won’t witness Rhen’s trajectory as he moves ahead with his training, but I know that he had a profound influence for good. If that’s all someone could say about me when I passed on, it would be more than enough. Onward and upward, Bish, to that place where you won’t be in pain. We’ll be thinking about you.


Bish Dolegiewicz

Bish Dolegiewicz


The Bald Kid’s Severed Hand…

Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to tell you a gruesome campfire story or anything.  It’s like this…

Every year, my sister has a Halloween party on the Monday before trick or treats. Every year, before we leave the party she pulls out a huge basket with fun prizes and lets us choose from the basket. So you sort of want to pack up before all the good stuff is gone. I think that must be how she gets us all to go home. Ha.

ANYWAY… For my prize, I chose an adorable shelf-sitting witch with a green face and purple and pink hair. Lyndi chose some really cute, transparent skeleton stickers. Nate chose a jointed snake–not incredibly into snakes, but it was ok. So here comes Rhen. Yeah, he chooses a rubber, severed hand that you soak in water and it grows. I guess somebody didn’t think it was disgusting enough–and it needed to be BIGGER.

So this nasty piece of work is sitting on my kitchen counter…all day…all night…Feel free to gag.

I must admit that there are some parts of Halloween that I could do without…mostly severed body parts.
