One Busy Baby

This baby is a busy little gal. First thing each morning–she consults her planner to keep track of her tight schedule.

She sure knows how to put in a hard days work…

No distractions please–Shhhh! Concentration is everything you know.

All finished–kiss it goodbye!

A short break with dolly.

Time to run a few errands, and slide a surprise under her neighbor’s door. Aunt Jillian, this one is for you!

Now to empty the dishwasher…all clean

Now, with a little something from the fridge, and a little imagination…dinner is served!

5 Replies to “One Busy Baby”

  1. I love the serious look on her face while she’s typing πŸ˜‰ Alphabet soup… mmmm πŸ™‚

  2. I’m glad that my baby isn’t the only one going 100 mph from the moment she gets up until she falls asleep.
    WAY cute pictures!

  3. I’ve heard that if an adult follows a toddler around and mimics everything that they do–everything–they collapse in about 45 minutes from shear exhaustion. But then, the toddler keeps right on going for about 3 more hours. Isn’t that a crack up?

  4. Oh I just love her!!! I’m glad we’re getting pictures of her like we do… I hope she never gets too busy for a photo-op! πŸ˜‰ Ha ha ha!

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