Manger Babies

December 12, 2008 020

Years ago, a good friend gave me a sweet little ornament. The kids were little then and seemed fascinated with the tiny manger baby.  I kept finding it under the tree, on the kitchen table and once, in my youngest’s bed. I decided that maybe I needed to make a few for them to hold and carry and love before my ornament was ruined.

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It was kind of fun to make some palm sized babies so they could actually carry them around. I did have to take the one I had apart to figure it out–but it went back together well enough when I was finished.

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All you need to make these sweet little manger babies is:

wooden beads–whatever size you want

wire–from floral wire to a heavier coat hanger type, to match your bead

a small piece of batting or cotton

a scrap of fabric

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Draw or paint two dot eyes on the bead. Fold a piece of wire in half and slide the bead onto it. Bend the top of the wire down so the bead won’t slid off. I curled up the bottom end of the wire–into a wad–this will be the basic “body.”

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If you want your baby to have hair–just glue some yarn or twine to the top of the head.

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Now, wind a scrap of batting over your wire–so your baby has some fluff to the body.

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Fold down one corner of a square of fabric–muslin, cotton, knit–whatever.

Run a line of hot glue on top of the head and at the ears and press the folded edge onto the head.

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Fold up the bottom. Add a dot of hot glue–if you need to to hold it in place.

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Now fold and secure the sides–first one and then the other–you know, like wrapping a baby doll in a blanket.

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Once you’ve glued the “blanket” in place–you can decorate your baby or leave it simple.

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Or you can glue your babies to the tops of pine cones and nestle them in your Christmas tree.

Either way, I hope you try these sweet little babies as a gentle reminder of whose birthday this really is.

5 Replies to “Manger Babies”

  1. Those are so precious! We got one last year from a neighbor and it is safely nestled in our tree! We have a fabric nativity that my mother-in-law made out of a pattern. We allow the girls to play with that one. Their favorite is the baby Jesus!

  2. I love cute Nativities and Baby Jesus crafts… because it DOES help remind me why we get to celebrate doing this time of year! 🙂 I love that nestled up little baby! Thanks for showing us this one!

  3. I love this sweet manger baby….I’ve made some similar ones and glued them to stars. They made wonderful ornaments. I really like yours on the pinecone.

  4. We made some teeny tiny ones a few years back and put them in walnut shells. They were so adorable. I’d love to see your star babies. :}

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