Festival of Colors

Dane and his pal Tyson spent the afternoon at the Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork.

All I can say is…


Well, ok, that’s not all I can say.

Apparently, the way this event goes–is, everyone in the crowd has small bags of colored powder–not sure what it’s made from…maybe we should look into that–

and after a long, dramatic countdown, everyone tosses some of the color into the air in lovely, brilliant bursts.

The colors mix together on the way back down and turn the air gray and smoky.

Then, of course, the craziness begins and everyone starts throwing their colors at each other—kinda like a paint ball attack…

only with dry, colored powder. I asked Dane if he could even breathe, and he said, “Ummm, I don’t know.”

I don’t know?!

Yeah, now I’m REALLY thinking about that mysterious powder…in their eyes…in their ears…in their mouths…in their brains.

Very scary indeed.

Yeah, I’ll be on the lookout for any sign of odd or peculiar behavior from these nut jobs.

More so than usual, I mean.



10 Replies to “Festival of Colors”

  1. It’s always sounded interesting to me… maybe I’ll have to try it out next year. 🙂 They look awesome covered in all that color! 😀

  2. My girls would have totally loved this. Good thing we don’t live close enough that they need to know!!! Looks like they had a great time!!

  3. Jesse and I saw so many people with color all over them and were wondering “what in the heck happened!!!???”. Thanks for solving the mystery 😉 Looks like it was fun!

  4. I don’t know if I’ll ever be brave enough. What exactly IS that powder anyway? I want to know long before I get it in my eyes and nose and mouth. I’m a chicken.

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