Ok, ok. I’ll admit. I got tired of waiting for the leaves in the yard to turn and fall. So I made my own. So there.
I found some basic leaf patterns by googling “basic leaf patterns”…cookie cutters work well too.
Pin the pattern piece to a doubled piece of felt…
and cut out two of every fall color you can get your hands on.
Then sewing two at a time, run a tight zig zag stitch from one end of the leaf to the other. I used dark brown thread on all the colors.
I liked the effect.
Now fold the sides of the leaf upward toward the stitching for a 3-D look.
You can tack them to a ribbon and hang them up somewhere…
or….you can pretend you’re the wind…
just waiting to blow and scatter the leaves everywhere.
Well, you know…until we get the real thing.

SOOOOOO cute! UGH! If only I were talented like this! 🙂 I saw this darling door that I thought you might find appealing…
Enjoy! 🙂
That is really cute. I am going to make a Halloween garland with cut out Halloween felt shapes. I’ll show you the finished product. I love the colors!
Oooh! Where DID you get those nice felt colors? Also, where did you get that nice soft green you used on the felt Christmas tree ornament last year?
ALSO, I decided I couldn’t wait for you to show me a blanket stitch, so I youtubed it and learned how. I thought I’d practice on a simple pumpkin shape, but that seemed boring so I cut out some yellow triangles for jack-o-lantern eyes. It went all right, but the online tutorial didn’t show some of the finer points of getting around sharp corners and stopping in an attractive manner. Want to enlighten me sometime?
I lovvve the bats! I’ve already printed off the pattern. I assumed it was black construction paper but noooo. It’s felt. Do you know how cool that is?
Please do—you know I love Halloween everything!
Holy cow! Good for you–I’ll bring some felt to Craft Night and we can mess around with it. The last batch of felt that I bought came from JoAnn’s. I am a big sucker for pretty colors so I snag them when I see them. They even have some now with glitter fused in it. Of course I bought a bit of that too. Felt is just so fun—I’m so proud of you for figuring it out too.
I love that you love them as much as I love them!! My friend put it on her blog, and showed what she had done to her door too. Fun little twist that she did was make them out of GLITTER black paper – so that they shimmered in the sunlight…get it?!? AH!! Love it!
Oh these are CUTE!!! 🙂 They look almost easy enough for someone like me to make… and I’m sewing impaired! 😉 Awesome!