Nearly Summer Snow

A few days ago we woke up to some crazy rain. I mean, like torrents of rain.  For 4 or 5 minutes it even turned to hail. I was amazed that it wasn’t even all that cold outside…just wet. We found this odd pile of hail in one spot on the lawn that must have slid off the roof or something.

ANYway, the best part of all this moisture is…

what it does to our mountains.


Not bad for nearly June–right?

Tarmac In the Spring

Our cute little Tarmac the House Squirrel is all decked out with a bouquet of Spring flowers.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was going on a date.

Too bad he’s…so…HOUSEBOUND!

HAaaa! Get it?! HAA!


Such a brave, beautiful little thing, popping up right in the middle of the lawn. I guess it’s an April-showers-bring-May-flowers sort of thing.

I just thought somebody had to plant them first.

Happily, I was wrong.


All Hail~



We’ve been getting a LOT of this rainy stuff lately. I don’t mind, really, because I’ve always loved rain…even more than sunny days.


Then it started to hail…really hard. Luckily, they were only the size of corn kernels and didn’t dent up my car.


It did, however, soak the birdies food and scare them half to death. They hid under the pine tree till it let up.

Pretty sure all my Chicken Littles thought the sky was falling.  Ha ha.

Gr Signature