Road Trip To Beaver, Utah

Miss Chomp needed more road hours in order to past her driving class…

so, what better way than to take a 2-1/2 hour road trip to a couple of favorite spots in Beaver, Utah?!!

Being the “foodie” girl that Lyndi is, she knew exactly where we needed to go!

Even out in the middle of nowhere, it’s still beautiful country.

Ahhhhh–our destination is in sight!!

Ok, well, the billboard for our destination is in sight. It’s something at least!

Yummy food–here we come!!

Luckily, there was no one in front of us because we were hungry!

Sweet Lyndi…

got cheese curds and sauce. Ooooh.


Magoo and Lyndi both got Tetris Fries…

which even fit together. It was such a challenge. haha.

I ordered a lovely little cheeseburger with extra pickles and they really humored me. Look at that pile of pickles!!

Yeah, we totally waddled out of that place full to the brim and happy as a pile of clams. Oh, but don’t you worry Crazy Cow–we’ll be back soon.


Crocheted Sokka

If your family is at all familiar with the series Avatar–the Last Airbender then you will, no doubt, recognize this little fellow.

If not, I’ll help you out just a teensy bit.

His name is Sokka and he’s from the Water Tribe.

I think it would be fair to say that our family loves this show beyond belief.

We love Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko, Sokka–and all the rest. So much so–that my son–back when he was the “Bald Kid”–

even dressed up at the grown up Aang…

and won 1st Place at the Ebay Costume Contest…remember?  

At some point, I’ll likely make all these cuties from the pattern I found at Crafty Tibbles on Etsy.

But when I offered to make any of the characters for Miss Chomp for her birthday, without hesitation she said, “Sokka, please.”

Done, my dear. Happy Birthday.

Next I’ll probably make my personal favorite– Uncle Iroh!!

Eeeeek I’m sooo excited!

I’ll keep you posted.



Miss Chomp’s Cookies

Been quite a while since this sweet little face has shown up here–right? Well, Miss Chomp and her cute friend Piper got the baking bug one day….and decided that a boat-load of Oatmeal Farm Cookies were in order.

Which, in my humble opinion–is ALWAYS a good idea!

And then they got real creative and added chocolate chips to the tops. Such a brilliant generation to compliment perfection. Heh, heh.

Pretty sure I’d buy anything these little cuties were selling–wouldn’t you?

Solid win.

I love you Miss Chompy!




Perhaps your kids are all Pokemon crazy these days–like mine and my grandkids are.

When I asked the three that have January birthdays, what they would like Grammy to make them…I wasn’t a bit surprised.

Miss Chomp asked for a Snorlax. That’s him above.

“Can you do that Grammy?”


With a little help from 3 different patterns on the internet…


I did the best I could.


It was a pretty fun adventure and in the end…


I’d say,  “Why yes, Miss Chomp..I believe I can.

End of Summer Bake Sale

Little Miss Chomp wanted to hold an end of Summer Bake Sale. Well, in truth, she would have preferred it to be a BEGINNING of Summer Bake Sale, but it was put off–as these things often are–until there was simply no summer left.


But she wouldn’t be deterred–the brave soul. She persevered and at last, at last, the day came.  Her mom and dad made goodies for her to sell and she even used her sweet little cash register.


It was truly a hit. In fact, after seeing her “haul” I had to wonder if I’m in the wrong business.
