Love Is…

…the Most Powerful Force in the World

“The eternal truth that our Heavenly Father loves all his children is an immensely powerful idea. It is especially powerful when children can visualize it through the love and sacrifice of their earthly parents. Love is the most powerful force in the world.”

Dallin H. Oaks

Ten Things That Make Me Happy…

1- This squishy baby

2- This “please make me cry” clip: Tara and Bella

3- This adorable calendar from Sarah Jane Studios

4- Homemade glazed pecans

5- The Draper Temple openhouse

6- A Lily baby in a bucket

7- A Beckham baby in a barrel

8- A “done” puzzle

9- A “finished with Frankenstein,” brain jello party

10- Very warm, very fuzzy, very pink socks

Please post your “Happy Stuff” in the comments–and we’ll add them to the “Grateful” list.

Add as often as you’d like…

{The Doves}

Dark clouds came over the horizon of a small valley. As they gathered, the skies grew dark, temperatures dropped, snow fell, and the wind began to howl. It was an unexpected storm, and because it was early in the season, several doves were caught needing to find immediate shelter, or perish.

As it happened, they found an old dilapidated barn. Part of the roof was missing, several of the outside doors were gone. Nevertheless, it was the only cover available and that which they chose to take. So, the doves flew in and found shelter in the hay and rafters.

By chance, also caught in the storm, was a flock of sparrows. They too had to escape the bitter cold and so flew into the old barn in hopes of finding warmth and rest.

During the night the temperature dropped even lower and the wind became violent.

The next morning the farmer got up to do his chores and went to the barn to collect his tools. As he opened the door, he made a startling discovery. He found that several of the doves had fallen to their death on the floor of the barn, yet others had survived the night. He couldn’t understand why some doves remained alive even though they were also cold and unable to fly.

The farmer pursued his investigation and he found that the doves that had survived the long, cold night were the ones who had opened their wings to the sparrows and given them shelter and warmth. In giving of themselves, they had received their own life.

It is the same with us. When we give of ourselves we receive something that is beneficial and whole. In giving to others, we are the true receivers.

5 Things I’m Thankful For…

…at this very moment…

1) A sister who brings over Turkey Cupcakes–they look like turkeys, they taste like chocolate–that are so, so cute–I couldn’t let anyone eat them until we got a picture. Plus, I figured if I could distract everyone long enough…I wouldn’t have to share. Heh, heh, heh…

2) A big black cat named Beany, that sleeps at the foot of my bed–the far right side of the foot of my bed so that I can still move my feet if I want to OR scoot my feet under him to keep them extra toasty. Yeah…he’s a good sport.

3) Thanksgiving decorations all over the place. Laurie–the cupcake sister–made the pilgrims for me a billion years ago.

The turkey bailed into my cart at JoAnn’s last year.

4) The piles on my ridiculous desk. So much potential for fun stuff. I can’t wait to sort them out and see what’s in there. I must point out…this s not a mess. I mean it. This is total order in my world.

5) “Thing 1” and “Thing 2.” The squishyist and most magnamonious babies in the world. It’s quite possible that I made both of those words up. If so…don’t tell me. They are perfect for my needs–thank you.



“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.”

~Meister Eckhart