Something’s Missing!!

Ohhhhhh it’s a rotten thing INDEED to go to all the work to do a puzzle this intense (Look at allll that white and grey–gah!) only to get to the end–right before the deadline (Thanksgiving) and find out that…

you’re missing a piece!!


I mean honestly…I don’t live in a house with toddlers that eat puzzle pieces.

But wait. I do have that one cat. And he has been known to bat those pieces onto the floor and smack them around till they end up in Outer Mongolia somewhere. Hmmmmm…

Yeah, my money says it was him. Cause you know…he has that “I did it and I’m glad I did it” look to him.


Thwarted by the feline.



PS–Good news!! I FOUND it!!

It was in the kitchen…by the back door…

the CAT door.

Uh-huh. Outer Mongolia.

Like I said.

Our Poor Hobbes

This little fellow may look sort of ok, but this was 2 days after he was  hit by a car. We didn’t actually see the accident but Rhen saw him out in the street…looking like he’d been run over.

Rhen ran out to get him but when he got close enough to pick him up, Hobbes just bolted and ran into the backyard. We searched for him for 4 hours without any luck.

We finally found him in the farthest corner of the basement–curled up in a ball and hiding out. I didn’t dare go to him–because he gets feisty with me when he’s scared or hurt.  But Rhen went right up and started petting him. The poor guy could hardly raise his head but started purring.

He seemed to be banged up mostly on his head–kinda like he had run into the car–rather than the car running into him. If that makes sense.

I called all kinds of vets to see if they could help but they all said that if he was moving around and didn’t have any broken bones, then he’d likely be ok.

Sure hope so, poor guy.


My Pretty Puzzles

In that funny space between Christmas and New Year’s–I decided to pour out a pretty little puzzle.

There is something so soothing about turning all the pieces over, then setting them in little piles according to their shape.

Yeah, I’m one of those puzzle people who takes a few hours to organize all the pieces so that the whole experience is…you know…more orderly.

I believe the puzzle ultimately goes together much, much faster this way because it’s not so chaotic.

In fact, this happy little puzzle was probably two thirds finished when one night I woke to the sound of something very much like pebbles pouring onto the floor.

I flipped on the light and saw that old Hobbes had jumped on one end of my puzzle board and tipped it off the side of the little table it was on and just more than half of my sweet puzzle was on the floor in a broken up pile.


The next morning, my sweet Rhenny boy helped me put it all back together and we even kept at it till it was finished! Wahoo!!

What shall I do with all this spare time? Laundry? Dishes? Take down the Christmas stuff?

Apparently not.

Heh, heh.