Salem 1692

Haha! I LOVE this shirt and I would absolutely wear it. But first, let me ask–do you “get it?”
If you don’t–you’ll just need to Google it. If you DO get it–let me explain why I love it. No, I’m not now, nor have I ever been into the dark arts or anything satanic or creepy like that. But as it turns out, neither were most of the poor souls who were wrongfully put to death, in Salem–back then.
Many of those women were midwives, birth workers, herbalists and healers who used oils and plants and tinctures to actually, honestly help people in pain. For that- thousands of them were accused of witchcraft and hung or drowned or burned.
By those standards, my daughters and I would certainly have been on the hit list. It was a crazy, terrible time.
I know the world is pretty nuts right now, but I think it’s still a better time to be alive.
In fact, I’d wear this sweatshirt proudly, with gratitude…and a big old grin. 😊

This Day…

“I have never been able to think of the day as one of mourning; I have never quite been able to feel that half-masted flags were appropriate on Decoration Day.  I have rather felt that the flag should be at the peak, because those whose dying we commemorate rejoiced in seeing it where their valor placed it.  We honor them in a joyous, thankful, triumphant commemoration of what they did.”

~Benjamin Harrison

Happy Memorial Day my friends!


Please come enter our EASY “Melissa & Doug Summer Toys”  giveaway! We need 200 entries by June 3rd. Please, please–spread the word!


The Mystery Cup

Now I know that I left some of you hanging last week on this little cup thing. I knew that my close friends and family would know what this cup is and the significance it had…to me anyway–but they were banned from telling what they knew. It would have been cheating anyway.

So I’ll tell you.

Years ago, I did some intense research for a book I was writing called, “Ellie’s Gold.” It took place in the year 1897 when the Utah pioneers had officially been in the valley for 50 years. Salt Lake City had a huge Jubilee celebration that lasted nearly a week. The activities included parades, fireworks, games, exhibits, parties, carnivals, and concerts…just to name a few.  I’d read in and old newspaper that in commemoration of the event, the city had a special “Jubilee Cup” made that showed scenes from the “old pioneer days.” If a person wanted one–back in 1897–they had to mail order it for $1.00.  In my book, I had the family send for one. When it arrived, this is what Ellie said:

Now, I’d seen one of these cups in the Pioneer museum many years ago and it made my heart just skip a beat. There it was–for real. I even got so brave as to ask the lady at the desk if I could look at it up close and maybe even touch it…just for a second. She looked like I’d pinched her cat and said, “Why no dear.” She was a terrible sharer.

I was crushed.

So there we were, April and I, a zillion years later in the antique shop and there it sat behind the glass case.

Only this time, the lady said, “Would you like to hold it?”

“YES!” I said. There’s a slight chance I might have screamed a little. But the lady just smiled at me and put the cup in my hand. A real live, 106 year old Jubilee cup, that somebody ordered from the newspaper, and drank water out of for a long, long time and then tucked away in the attic somewhere until it was clean forgotten, for years and years by almost everybody.


And it’s my very own now.

If you come over, I’ll let you hold it…

because some people know how to share real good.
