HOLD Everything!!



We interrupt this regularly scheduled move in…


to bring you–ahem–me, a new rewiring of the whole house announcement.


The guys are working like crazy to update the electrical–which has stalled the actual move in.

But it will be WELL worth the wait.



I mean, seriously, who wants to blow a fuse every time we flip on a computer or run the blender or watch Sea Biscuit for the 6,000th time?

No, no. This is a good thing.

Just happy to be here.

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Looking Closely~


Looking around today I was struck with the thought over and over that “this or that is so pretty…I need my camera.”


After about the forth time, I thought, “Good grief, woman–get up and get it then.”


So I did.


Can’t even say what, exactly it was about the simple, normal things around the room that caught my attention today.


Might have been the colors or the patterns…


or the light, hitting in just the right way.


I just want to be sure to always watch and notice and observe and really see all lovely, happy, perfect things that are around me…


and not miss a single one…

and be grateful.

Gr Signature

Good, Good Planet

100 Happy Days #50


Yesterday I lost my debit card.

It was one of those times when it should be in my wallet but it wasn’t. I’m actually very, VERY good at keeping my keys where they belong, my wallet and purse where they belong and my id and credit cards where they belong. So, I looked through my car and the house and the driveway and dumped my purse out about 50 times. All of it over and over…but no luck.

I worried and whined and fussed but the bald kid said, “It’s all good mom. It’ll turn up. What’s the worst that can happen?” I wondered if he truly understood the worst that can happen but I figured that was a discussion for a later time. I wanted to holler, “But I’ve lost my DEBIT CARD, son!! But even if I regaled him with stories of possible financial turmoil and ruin, I had this funny feeling he would still just smile and say, “It’s all good mom.” I know, I know. Peace. Love. Rock & Roll.  In case any of you thought that Bob Marley was dead–well, he’s back and in possession of my youngest son.

But on with my story. This morning after looking everywhere I had already looked for the millionth time, Lyndi said, “Call the gas station. That’s where you used it last. Call them.”

I didn’t want to call them because I just didn’t want it to be THAT lost. I wanted it to be in my car, under the seat or something. But it wasn’t.

So I looked up the number and called them. I told the nice man that answered my sad tale, and asked, “By any chance did anyone turn in a debit card?” and this guy said, “Why, yes miss, they did.” Calmly as you please. And it was mine.

When I went in to pick it up I told him, “I’m just so happy to be living here in this sweet town, where someone would turn in a debit card without thinking twice.” The man said, “Yeah, lots of places they’d have had a shopping spree. But, you know, there are still good people around. Have a good day.”

Believe me, I will.

Peace. Love. Rock & Roll.



PS~ Yeah, I know…time for a new wallet.

One Proud Mama

100 Happy Days #41

April's Best.Day_.EVER-1 - Copy

This will be short because you need to run right from this place and scoot on over to The {studio} Blog by my sweet, smarty-pants daughter April. She has some big, monumental, incredible, dream-come-true kind of news.

And I couldn’t possibly be more proud.


A New Car

100 Happy Days #1


Yeah, I’m quite certain this pretty little thing is making me happier than anyone has a right to be. I’ve never actually walked in to a car dealership and bought a car..like ever. But to walk in and say, “Yeah. That one,” and drive out with it was…well…

it was magic, I tell you.


Please understand that I’ve behaved quite well for a number of years–19 in fact. Truth be told, I have loved this crazy, silly red van that has driven all my children to every single important thing that could possibly be imagined. It’s been a solid old trooper…indeed.



it never made me look out the window…

and giggle.

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