A Child Left To Himself…

…putteth his mother to shame.”

Isn’t that a bible verse or something? If it isn’t, it should be.

So, here’s the story—

We grown-ups were minding our own business, having a discussion of some sort in the office when we heard an unusual amount of giggling coming from the kitchen—always a dangerous sign with a three year old loose in the house. We came around the corner to find, to our surprise,  that a 25lb. bag of flour can, indeed be ripped in half by a determined kid with a fork. Pretty sure he thought there was a prize inside.

He was wrong…

dang cute…

but wrong.

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The Guy Can Cook

Who knew?

Before he left for his mission, I would have bet good money that he didn’t know what ginger root actually was. Imagine my surprise to find him in the kitchen peeling and mincing the darn stuff.

And his way with yellow pepper was lovely to behold.

Dude. We’re impressed.

Next, he took some of these…

stripped, spiced and pan fried…

added his pretty vegetables…

and mixed it all together with hot pasta.

It was incredible.

Just think…a handsome man who can cook…

and give a great back rub.


Yes, yes.

It’s soooo good to have him home…

for a lot of reasons!


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The Running Back

This moment…

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Have a good weekend!

Five Things

Here are a few things bringing me joy right this very minute. It never ceases to amaze me how our gratitude blossoms when we focus on the good things right in front of us.

Lovely, orderly grow boxes.

Cheesy Egg Bake…it’s not just for breakfast anymore.

Sweet friends who throw incredible birthday parties for beloved characters–more on this later!

Chamomile growing outside my window.

A very hard working son and his return home.

So…what brings you joy?


You Just Can’t Tell

When somebody is gone for two whole years–it’s hard to say what you’ve missed the most–about them–in that time. Was it their smile?

Their laughter at the dinner table?

Their love for all the babies?

Their happy attitude?

Or just their sweet face?

Sure…sure…it’s all of that and a hundred times more, but this afternoon, I do believe I’ve found one thing pretty darn close to the top of that list.

Welcome back boys playing football in the backyard.

It’s been far too long.

Welcome back…indeed.