{ Joy }

“There is no scene so sweet, no time so sacred as that very special day of your marriage. Then and there you glimpse celestial joy.”

                                                                                                            Thomas S. Monson

These Things…

I know to be true:

~”Bob the Tomato” from Veggie Tales is actually cuter drawn on a MagnaDoodle than he is in real life–depending on the artist.

~It’s much easier to type in a cold basement if you have these glorious fingerless gloves–now, I just need a pair of my own…so I don’t have to swipe April’s.

Thanks, Amy!

~ I must have been born in the wrong era because this old, turn-of-the-century farm house just makes my heart pound right out of my chest–rock foundation, root cellar, “gingerbread” and all. Oh, where’s that single Scottish Farmer when you need him?


~ A willow tree is very generous with the leaves–which should make incredible garden compost…

…very generous indeed.

~ I have a very, very happy son…

…with a very, very happy fiance’–woooohooo!!

~ Miss Chompy–if she so chooses– has a bright future…

with the circus.

All is well.

A Couple of QBs

Kinda funny–isn’t it–how tossing around that one funny-shaped ball can get into somebody’s blood?

I guess you could say that we start ’em young in these parts…on purpose.

All I know is that there’s something pretty darn cool about a three-year-old…

with a smokin’ hot spiral—just like his Uncle Dane’s.

I personally think the matching beanies help a lot…ha!

But if all this means that we have football to watch for a whole new generation…well then…

everyone’s happy at our place.

Grandmother Willow

Some of you may not know this, but Grandmother Willow actually lives in our backyard.

No kidding.

I’ll tell you, she is one huge, unruly, ominous tree with disobedient branches scrawling clear across the yard.

Again, I’m not kidding.

Some of the limbs were so long and scary that we had to worry that in a good hard wind storm, we might have few fence casualties. Not OK.

There was nothing to do but to call for Lumberjack Dane.

Oh, he chopped and hacked and twisted and yanked…

and hacked and sawed and piled. That’ll teach the old girl to stay within the borders of Munchkin land and not wander off on forbidden paths.

At last, Grandmother Willow was subdued, but it was no small deal. In fact, it was back breaking work for the Lumberjack dude.

Luckily there was a comfy Bungie Chair with his name on it…

there were pretty little cheerleaders to watch and clap just at the right moment…

and Otter Pops…always, always…there are Otter Pops. What cannot be accomplished with such a combo, I ask you?

Next up…world domination.

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