1. The snow coming down as I type. Our state always needs more water. So it’s a big deal to get all this new stuff. I just want to be snowed in at least once in my life.
2. Pink lights on a canopy bed. It’s very exotic and makes me feel particularly fancy somehow. Even if I’m just wearing a sweatshirt and jeans.
3. A baby girl who loves her monkey.
4. A baby boy who loves to laugh.
5. A baby “chomp” who could show up any day now. Maybe we’ll wake up one of these mornings and Lyndi will have a sweet, warm bundle all cuddled up with her. I suppose, in real life we’ll know when she decides that she’s truly coming. But since Lyndi is having a home birth–it could be a surprise for us–any time now.
6. A well attended puzzle on a wintery day.
7. Dear friends in a beautiful place.
8. A beautiful place
9. A pristine kitty
10. A letter from a happy boy in a very cold, faraway land.