HOLD Everything!!



We interrupt this regularly scheduled move in…


to bring you–ahem–me, a new rewiring of the whole house announcement.


The guys are working like crazy to update the electrical–which has stalled the actual move in.

But it will be WELL worth the wait.



I mean, seriously, who wants to blow a fuse every time we flip on a computer or run the blender or watch Sea Biscuit for the 6,000th time?

No, no. This is a good thing.

Just happy to be here.

Gr Signature



100 Happy Days #27


I mean…YOGA!! I’ll admit, I’ve never tried it, never really given it a chance. And so here I am thinking that maybe…just maybe a slower, more relaxed approach might just help me get moving a bit. Hopefully my knee will cooperate and I’ll be the neighborhood yogi in a matter of weeks. Heh, heh.

Hey, wait…


what does that say? “…for INFLEXIBLE people.” What kind of lame-o negative affirmation is that?! Ok, my clever transposing brain will auto correct that title this very minute. From now on, it will read–to my brain at least, “Essential Yoga For Greater Flexibility.” Much, much better.

Good grief.

Somebody needs an editor.


Can You Be Happy~

for 100 days in a row?


What is it exactly that makes you happy anyway? Hmmmm?

Every day I’m going to submit a picture of something that made me happy, and see if I can keep it up for 100 days.

If you’d like to take up this challenge, the first thing you’ll want to do is to go HERE to register. Then follow the instructions–they’re very simple.
We’ll share our pictures on the Facebook page too. I hope you’ll let us know if you take up this challenge.
Come on~finding what makes you happy each day will be fun…
and who knows? Your happiness might just be contagious!