Note–I am purposely RE-posting today’s blog post. Forgive the previous submission. Moral of the story: Never attempt to write intelligently at 2 am. Sheesh

Don’t you just LOVE my sweet–and I mean SWEET–little Tom Turkey? Don’t you just want to gobble him up? Ha! Gobble. Get it? That’s a good one.
These little guys would make a great neighbor treat or think how great they’d look on the Thanksgiving table.

Turkey Cookies
Fudge Mallows cookies
Iced Oatmeal cookies
Chocolate frosting
Swedish fish, candy corn and anything else you’d like to use.

You likely don’t need tons of instructions now–but just in case…

Cut the marshmallow cookies in half.

Glue it–with chocolate frosting–marshmallow side down, onto the oatmeal cookie.

Pipe a frosting “turkey body” straight up onto the marshmallow cookie.

Cut the Swedish fish up for feet, wings, beaks, eyes or whatever strikes you.

Give your little “Turkey-Lurkey” a face, beak, feet and a waddle from the decorettes and cut up Swedish Fish.

“Glue” tail feathers onto the back of the same cookies.

The little papooses will love this part…

and be quite proud of…

their little gobblers…

in the end. And rightly so.
Gallery of Turkey Creations

Sweet little turkeys nearly too cute to gobble.

I said, nearly.

Turkey Cookies
- Fudge Mallows cookies
- Iced Oatmeal cookies
- Chocolate frosting
- Swedish fish, candy corn and anything else you'd like to use.
- Cut the marshmallow cookies in half.Glue it--with chocolate frosting--marshmallow side down, onto the oatmeal cookie.
- Pipe a frosting "turkey body" straight up onto the marshmallow cookie.
- Cut the Swedish fish up for feet, wings, beaks, eyes or whatever strikes you.
- Give your little "Turkey-Lurkey" a face, beak, feet and a waddle from the decorettes and cut up Swedish Fish.
- "Glue" tail feathers onto the back of the same cookies.