6 Replies to “Berry Packing”

  1. Ok, no comments here–is everyone at the Mall since it’s the weekend before Christmas? I was out, but NOT at the Mall–way too many people and cars there for me. I was, however, at a documentary called the Connected Baby–a great film by Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk ( and you’ll like this part Launi-she’s doing all this research in Scotland and came here to show the film, aren’t we lucky). Of course, I bought the DVD, our babies are so smart and so coordinated. So easy for us to help the babies create happy pathways in the brain, instead of un-happy, life is not safe-pathways. I will be showing this at our little local midwifery conference in Feb. go to http://www.theconnectedbaby.org for more info. suzanne was great, she really, really loves her job and her research. off to make sitz bath tea blend….

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