Photo Journal

While looking through a ton of old pictures the other day–I noticed that we had quite a few in the folder marked “Ghosts of Thanksgivings Past”–but they are all online and so I’m constantly having to say to family and friends, “I’ll email you a copy.” Sounds noble, yes? Well it would be more noble if I had a clue how to actually email pictures.

Hence, the Thanksgiving Photo Journal was born.

First take a hardbound journal or blank book—whichever…

Trace around it on to scrapbook paper.

Cut out to the measurement of your book. I had to work around the spiral binding of mine. Cutting out 65,000 tiny notches was a bit of a pain, but it turned out ok.

Glue the paper on to the cover of your book–being careful to keep the edges straight.

Secure a piece of ribbon to the back with glue and tie a bow in the front. And ta-da! Your book is finished. Except that now you can make copies from your computer–and stick them in the book for all to see.

So, bring it with you to the turkey dinner and share the book around. If you are really brave you can let people write their comments or memories on the blank pages. If you have a few of these books and lots of printer ink, they would make a great gift for the Thanksgiving hostess. Never hurts to butter up the lady with the pie…


Gratitude Tree

This is a simple and fun way to help family members be on the look-out for all the things they love and are grateful for…and clean up some stray branches from the yard at the same time. Ahhh…green waste.

Oh, and earlier today–this tree was called the “Gratitude Tree” but it got on my nerves. Honestly, it sounded way too much like “The Giving Tree”…which is not ok with me. If you know me even a tiny bit you know how I feel about that book. Grrrr….more on this later…no doubt. MOVING ON…

You will need:

flower pot

craft stones, rocks, or art sand

short branches

colored paper, scrapbook paper, or craft foam

paper clips

Fill a clean flower pot with rocks, stones or sand…yes, kitty litter would work, but I’d hate to confuse poor Fluffy, so personally, I’d stick with the rocks. Shorten the tree branch to suit the size of your pot. I stuck three small lilac branches together with packing tape. Set the branch securely in the rocks. Wiggle them around until you’re convinced they will “sit and stay.”

Next, cut out about two dozen leaves–template link below— from colored paper or craft foam. Push a partially straightened paper clip through the stem end of each leaf. Set the leaves in a small basket with a black marker, next to your thankful tree.

Encourage, nudge, ok, force– family members to write their names on one side (unless they want to remain anonymous), and something or someone they are thankful for–and why, on the other side. Have them hang it on the tree and by Thanksgiving Day–your tree will be a beautiful reminder of your family’s blessings and a really cute tree–that you don’t have to water. That’s a plus.

NOTE: Click here for a bunch more family Thanksgiving Crafts or a simple leaf template to make your own Gratitude tree.

Gracious Giveaway!!

We have a wonderful book, by Marjorie Pay Hinckley, entitled, Small and Simple Things. Just perfect for this time of year—filled with beautiful quotes, and gentle wisdom to inspire the heart.

The giveaway is a simple one too. All you have to do is make a comment at the end this post and you’ll be entered. We’ll announce the winner on Saturday November 29th.

Good luck!!

Twilight Movie Night

The Twilight Movie Premiere was fabulous! Even though the entire event took place long after everyone’s bedtime–it was a great adventure. Anyway, shouldn’t you watch a vampire movie at midnight? So…after loading up on popcorn, Twizlers and Fudge at the MegaPlex 17 we headed into the theaters. As far as I could tell, no one slept through any of the show-even though Rhen (who hasn’t even read the book–can you believe it? ) was sure he would. It was a great movie with the audience screaming and squealing at just the right moments. And Edward? Yikes…he is handsome.

Our Twilight Movie Winners

Lynnette and Carly Hughes

Carly, Stacey and Lynnette Hughes

At the Twilight Movie Opening Night

The Real Secret…

“The secret of true happiness consists not of having…

but of being…

Not of possessing…

but of enjoying.

It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself.


Man is the creator of his own happiness.”

~David O. McKay

Have a good weekend…