Sweet Treats–

Maybe if we all chant “SPRING-SPRING-SPRING” together something sunny and warm will happen…I don’t know. We’ve got snow out our window right now. Big, fluffy flakes everywhere. It couldn’t hurt…

We’re having an Easter Giveaway to prompt old Mother Nature to nudge Spring just a bit closer.

So, we gathered…and hunted…and came up with some stuff to fill your basket.

It includes:

Wilton Easter Cookie Cutters

Easter Cupcake papers

Fillable Easter eggs

Cupcake Stencils

6 Easter Poly Treat bags

Cute, yes…nice, ok…but something seems missing…

NOW we’re talking!

Enter for the Easter Sweet Treats Giveaway by commenting on this post. We’ll announce the winner on Friday April 3rd–just in the nick of time.

Hippity hop…

Ironic Wisdom…of sorts

My son in law–Jacob, sent this to me the other day. Pretty dang funny, and sad at the same time. You’ll see what i mean.

It’s called “You Can’t Fix Stupid.”

Please forgive me…

What goes around comes around!
Did we elect these people??

Civil War planes?

Let me know how that works out.

I’m saying GREAT paint job.
‘We had no idea anyone was buried there.’

I didn’t know we could choose.

This one says it all.

Please, anyone, if you’ve seen this man…
What are the odds?
I would have guessed 20.

Okay…that’s just mean!




P.S.–Happy Birthday Lynnette!

Storytime for Baby Birds

Update continued…

New Year’s Goal #4–  I will read 4 picture books a week to a couple of sweet babies who love books, or to a hatchling that is about to.

This one is easy–a given, in fact. Oh, and I’ve got the books all right…from the early days when I worked at a local bookstore and had an incurable possession problem. Alas, a few symptoms still linger. Afraid it’s cronic. There is no cure.

Little Chick’s Easter Surprise

Although the twins–Lily and Beckham are only about 14 months old, they still love to climb up on a lap–any lap, and have someone show them, page by page every picture, in any book.

Each Peach, Pear, Plum

But since they are still at that “board books only” phase, that severely limits the coolness and magic that Grammy can share with them…for now.

The Relative’s Came

When they are older and not so fascinated with how paper sounds–when it rips–just think of the possibilities…

“Stand Back,” Said the Elephant, “I’m Going To Sneeze”



Laura Charlotte


The Red Lion

The Seeing Stick

Whale’s Song

Beauty and the Beast


The Mitten

The Magic String


I could go on for days…but we’ll pause here…to anticipate.

Tough stuff–this patience thing. We’ll be brave.

Because any kind of magic is worth the wait.

Cheese Nips

These little doo-dads are really good and pretty easy to make. I just whipped them up in the regular mixer—they turned out fine.


  • 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour –plus 1/2 cup divided & reserved for kneading and rolling
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 pkgs dry cheese powder from 2 boxes macaroni & cheese
  • 3 tablespoons shortening
  • 1/3 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (for tops, optional)


Sift together 1 cup flour, baking soda, baking powder and cheese powder in a large bowl. Cut in the shortening with a fork and knife with a crosswise motion until dough is broken down into rice-size pieces. Mixture will still be very dry. Stir in buttermilk with a fork until dough becomes moist and sticky. Sprinkle a couple tablespoons of the reserved flour over the dough and work it in until it can be handled without sticking, then turn it out onto a floured board, being sure to keep 1/4 cup of the reserve flour for later. Knead the dough well for 60 to 90 seconds, and the flour is well incorporated.

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Spray a light coating of cooking spray on a baking sheet.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and use the remaining reserve flour to dust a rolling surface.
Roll about one-third of the dough to just under 1/16th of inch thick. In other words—really, really thin. This is important. My first batch was too thick and came out like tiny little cheese biscuits.

Trim the edges square (a pizza cutter or wheel works great for this), then transfer the dough to a lightly greased baking sheet.
Use the rolling pin to transfer the dough. Simply pick up one end of the dough onto a rolling pin, and roll the dough around the rolling pin. Reverse the process onto the baking sheet to transfer the dough.

Use a pizza cutter to cut across and down the dough, creating 1-inchsquare pieces. Use the blunt end of a skewer or broken toothpick to poke a hole in the center of each piece.
Sprinkle a very light coating of salt over the top of the crackers
Bake for 8-10 minutes, mix the crackers around (so those on the edge don’t burn) and bake for another 3-5 minutes, or until some are just barely turning a light brown.

Repeat the rolling and baking process with the remaining dough.
Makes approximately 300 crackers–depending on how thin you roll them. Mine tasted great, but should have been thinner.

A Place for Imperfect People

“Except for the Lord, we have all made mistakes. The question is not whether we will trip and fall but, rather, how will we respond? Some, after making mistakes, stray from the fold. This is unfortunate. Do you not know that the Church is a place for imperfect people to gather together—even with all their mortal frailties—and become better? Every Sunday in every meetinghouse throughout the world, we find mortal, imperfect men, women, and children who meet together in brotherhood and charity, striving to become better people, to learn of the Spirit, and to lend encouragement and support to others. I am not aware of any sign on the door of our meetinghouses that reads ‘Restricted Entrance—Perfect People Only.’ “

Joseph B. Wirthlin