A Few Sweet Blossoms


Oh, my brave, sweet flowers are just barely starting to come to life!


I should have clipped these wild things back…but I just didn’t have the heart. They seem to know just where they want to go.


I’ve never grown peonies before and I must say, the blossoms are not there…not there…not there…and then BOOM! Big, feathery and gorgeous. It was a lovely surprise this morning.


The unstoppable Columbine that just keeps blooming and blooming and blooming…and all in the perfect purple-y color.


Not so much a bloom but another sort of pretty thing popping it’s head out from the leaves.


These are my lovely Daney-boy roses. He bought this bush right before he left to Lithuania for two years. He knows me well because one is lavender…


and the other was bright pink…that is, until it froze and came back completely wild…and a deep scarlet.

A beautiful garden with a mind all it’s own.

Just my kind of place.


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