
Have you ever wondered what on earth “Vernal Equinox” means? Well, my lovelies, I’ll tell you–and then you’ll be wise and all knowing…

like me.  :]

There are two days each year when daytime and nighttime hours are approximately equal– each being 12 hours long. One occurs between March 19 and 21 and is called the Vernal Equinox—or Spring’s Equal Night. Did you know that Easter is always the Sunday after the first full moon–after Equinox? I’ve always wondered how they figure all that stuff out.

Vernal Equinox in Vilnius, Lithuania    (The Daily Herald)

People all over the world celebrate this day with candle ceremonies, planting seeds and flowers and Spring feasts–that usually include eggs, cheese, seeds, potatoes, pork or fish and asparagus, which I suppose are considered particularly “springy” foods. Don’t you positively love any reason to make a day an unforgettable event?

It’s not too late–if you want to celebrate the return of Spring–and who doesn’t? Gather up your own festival foods and enjoy a family night planning your garden or working in the yard–at last, at last!

Truly–whatever means spring to you–today’s the day. Do it!

12 Replies to “Ahhh…Spring…”

  1. Thanks for educating me and mine. I’ve been having the Easter question asked lately and I haven’t had a wise and good answer at all. Now we know, and since the 8 yr old just learned all about the phases of the moon it will be doubly enlightening. Ahh wonderful spring, is there anything more delightful than sitting in a chair by the window reading a book with the kiss of the sun pouring all over you? (That’s how I spent part of my afternoon yesterday.) After the dreary gray winter we’ve had I think not

  2. Oh, man–I’m with you. I sat in my bed–of all places and read my scriptures and Simple Abundance and Martha Stewart and my cookbooks—it was fabulous. Set the mood for the whole day! We even threw the windows open in the afternoon.
    We’re ready I tell you.

    Thanks so much for writing to my boy. It means so much to us both.

  3. Just thought I’d point out that this same thing determines the timing of the Passover. It begins on the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. Christ went to Jerusalem on that last week of his life to celebrate Passover. Celebrating the time when the lamb’s blood was spread on the doorposts, so that the angel of death would “pass over” the children of Israel. This lead up to Christ’s sacrifice, spilling the Lamb’s blood, so that we can be “passed over” in that eternal death.

    I love this time of year and the many things it represents to me.

  4. Thanks for sharing that, I didn’t know that before! I definitely celebrate passover, as Jacob mentioned. We are certainly excited about Spring and Easter around here as well!

  5. How have I lived soooo long and still never understood these things? thank you so much for telling me all this. Are we having Passover at your house this year? Our babies are so lucky to have such rich cultures to grow up with.

  6. Yes, April and I talked about doing something Friday evening. I’m sure you’ll hear more later.

  7. I’m just really surprised since it says it’s from Lithuania… and one of the guys almost looks like Dane!

  8. Oh, it’s a big favorite here too. Our babies are almost getting big enough to hunt for Easter eggs in the backyard. So excited for that!

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