10 Tips For a Not-So-Typical Disaster…

38IP328-Hurricane Ike

A few years ago, my daughter and I found ourselves on a downhill road in a car with no brakes. Another driver recognized that we were in big trouble and pulled in front of us and was willing to let our car nudge into his to stop us before we crashed. How did he know to do that?

As we waited for a tow truck, he casually said, “You know, I read about ‘How to stop a runaway car’ in the Worst Case Scenario book…just yesterday.”

Today’s post is kinda like that. A bit of info that you hope you will never need, but will appreciate if you ever do.

My daughter Jillian has a friend that just recently moved to Galveston, Texas.  September 13, literally days after arriving and settling into her new basement apartment–the Galveston Storm “Ike” hit their area. She like hundreds of others, lost everything.

Three weeks later, another friend blogged about the ordeal and offered some valuable insight to anyone in an emergency situation like this. Here are some of her thoughts…

Monday October 7, 2008

There are still people without power. I can’t even imagine.

What was I glad I had in my 72 hour kit? What did I wish I had?

* I wished I had a method of cooking food. Maybe a camping stove or BBQ grill.

* Ready to eat foods. For example: nutrigrain bars, granola bars, cans of slim fast or V8, prepacked albacore that is ready to eat, canned fruit/veggies, protein bars, crackers. Cans of soup you could stand to eat cold.

* Comfort food. Some Oreos, a bag of chocolate chips or fruit snacks.

* Two weeks worth of all medicine you are taking. Most stores are out of EVERYTHING.

* I would have given my right arm for a battery operated fan. Just a little one. It was just so hot.

* Ice- Fill a couple of 2 liter bottles with water and put them in the freezer. Ice was a hot commodity.

*Photos and documents? Pay to have them digitized. Paper wouldn’t survive this.

*I packed formula, diapers, wipes and clothes for the baby. I forgot bottles.

*Bathroom stuff

*Car charger for your cell phone.

Be careful. Be prudent. Be wise. Be safe.

Just my two cents–for what it’s worth.

Twilight Movie Ticket Contest…

This is the last week of our Twilight Opening Night Movie Ticket Contest. The next contest we do will have a shorter name…I swear. Anyway, we’ve had a great response to our soup, stew, and chili recipe entries, but now–we’re going to make it even easier for you to enter to win a night out with the vegetarian vampires. You can still send in a recipe, or link to this site to receive an entry, but here’s another–simple way.

This week, all you have to do is comment to this post and your name will be entered in the contest. Now, I ask you–how much easier can it get?

Remember–this is the last week to enter and the winner will be chosen this Friday, November 14, at 5:00pm. So comment, link or send in soup…recipe, not soup…and you could WIN!!

Do it, do it, do it…

See you there!

Slippers For The Family Feet…

Every year–usually at Christmastime, a few dozen family feet need rewarming with new slippers. I had the kids dig their current sets out from the under the various beds to see if they needed repair, a good scrubbing, or retirement. Only Jillian’s were wounded enough for the mending basket and it wasn’t critical. So, first-it’s Daney boy’s turn for a brand new pair, because before he left, we discovered that one of his slippers was missing. Eaten by dragons, no doubt.

Making new ones is the least I can do for the cause of a cute, cold, boy–who is far, far away. We were told not even to buy a coat for him in America because we don’t have anything warm enough here in the States to help in 30 below weather. Yikes. I picture him strolling the snowy streets of Lithuania wearing a moose hide overcoat and beaver boots. I really hope not. As much as I want him to be warm and well, I tend to frown on all that real fur stuff.

So anyway, the slipper I make is a jimmied version of an old baby bootie pattern I purchased about a billion years ago from Annie’s Attic. It looked so comfortable and most importantly–actually stayed on their feet–that as my babies grew I just made the pattern…ahhh … bigger. Much, much bigger in Rhen’s case. I’ll put the directions on paper someday–if anyone else wants it.

Now, I’m halfway through with a nice cozy pair made from Peaches & Creme 100% cotton (in Shaded Brown) and a ball of “repurposed” wool (yarn that used to be something else, before it became a ball of yarn–in this case, a sweater), in dark chocolate. The idea is to make them soft and warm and sturdy enough to survive a trip to the mailbox…

…and of course to save the life of an innocent beaver.

{ Glad To Be Here }

“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he’s been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey…delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas, and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”

~Gordon B. Hinckley

Caps For Newborns…

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.”

-Stephen Grellet

My favorite site for this week is Mama to Mama. Its purpose is to find meaningful ways to make a small but significance difference in the life of others. The idea is to connect handcrafters with mothers, children and families in need of a little bit of handmade love.

The first project that they are undertaking is to send handmade caps to aid the newborns in Haiti. Mama to Mama provides the downloadable infant cap pattern, you provide the fabric. They encourage us to use T-shirts that are no longer needed by our families to make the caps. One adult t-shirt will make two caps. The full details and pattern are on the Mama to Mama site.

Author and crafter, Amanda Blake Soule who is the creator of the project says:

“I invite you to join me in sharing your creativity, time and energy to aid our Caribbean sisters. Our life circumstances may be so very different from one another, but as women and mothers, we share so very much in common – the most basic being our desire to keep our children safe and healthy from the moment of birth onward. Please read on to find out how you can contribute to this project in a simple but meaningful way.”


I’ve sent my children looking for the T-shirts that they have no intention of wearing again. The pattern is simple and the hats go together very quickly–and just think, they help to save brand new lives. Imagine what we could do with one hour of our time. How much difference could we make?

About to be caps…

Almost there…

See the final results of the Cap to Cap-Haitian Project HERE.