A Piece of My Heart Garland

For Daney-boy’s birthday this year, I made him this Valentine’s garland for his mantle.

I know what you’re thinking…

“Why would a big burly dude like Dane want a froofy Valentine heart garland?”

Well, I’ll tell you.

See, this particular big, burly dude happens to lovvvve decorating for the holidays…

any holidays.

In fact, I’m sure, right this minute, he’s trying to figure out what I can crochet for Groundhog’s day or Harry Potter’s birthday or…or…or…

You get the point.

And you know what?

I’d probably do it too.

Because I have a special place in my heart for my sweet kids who all seem to adore making life a little more fun and having something magical to look forward to.

What I really hope is that they come by it…




Note: The pattern I used is the Frilly Heart Coaster by Hygge Crochet Co.