Don’t you just love listening to a fabulous motivational speaker–you know, someone who inspires you to work hard…
to be a better person?
I do. In fact, I bet I have close to a hundred such speeches on cassette tapes. I know…I’m old. But they still work.
We are a lucky bunch because twice a year we get to hear from our favorite Church Leaders in a series of Conference sessions for a couple of days.
We even use the days of inspiration as a lovely excuse to set out wonderful food…
and gather the sweet kids around, while we watch and listen together.
Of course it takes some very special “lion taming” supplies in case we encounter any wild animals.
But mostly, it’s the sheer fun of being together while we laugh and sew and listen hard and take notes on how to do things just a little bit better.
But seriously, all that food never hurts.