Einstein’s Grandkids’ Riddle

Einstein laughing

Einstein Laughing

Mr. Einstein is laughing because, as far as we can tell he didn’t have any children…so grandchildren would be “optimism to the point of foolishness.”

One lazy day a few summers ago, my daughter sent me a Brain Teaser called “Einstein’s Riddle” to mess around with. If I remember correctly—she hated it. Now, in her defense, I’ll tell you–she is one smart cookie, so it isn’t that she couldn’t do it. I think for some people this is an uncomfortable exercise–because it asks your brain to solve a problem in a way that many aren’t use to.

The story behind Einstein’s riddle is that Albert Einstein created it about a hundred years ago and claimed that 98% of the world population couldn’t solve it. I, personally have no idea if Albert Einstein had anything to do with this puzzle in real life, but I know this…more and more people are able to solve it these days.

Maybe our brains are evolving.

Maybe we play with numbers more than the average Joe did in 1909.

Maybe it’s the Wii.

Who knows?


The bald kid read an article in Popular Science (I know, I know) that said, “There is a relatively untapped area of the brain that is activated by two known exercises— Sodoku and the Rubix Cube.” Sodoku actually keeps your brain young! Who’d of thought? I—in my infinite wisdom—believe that this riddle is along the same lines—though, luckily, not as complicated at a the cube.

Now the fun part.


At the risk of being blasphemous to Mr. Einstein, we’ve taken the liberty of  “modernizing” his puzzle just a bit to keep it interesting. Fear not–the integrity of the original riddle is still intact. Take a minute and play with us—it’s the weekend…come on…

When you think you have the answer–post a comment saying, something like, “I’ve got it!”  Now listen carefully to this part…I mean it…


That would spoil it for everyone–wouldn’t it?

Are you ready? Here goes—

Einstein Grandkids’ Riddle

– In a street there are five houses, painted five different colors.

– In each house lives a man with a different name. (William, Steven, Daniel, Tyler and  Greg)

– These five homeowners each have a favorite beverage, eat a different treat and keep a different pet.

Einstein’s riddle is: Who owns the Clown Fish?

Necessary clues:

1.  William lives in a red house.
2.  Steven has a poodle.
3.  Daniel drinks Powerade.
4.  The Green house is on the left of the White house.
5.  The owner of the Green house drinks orange juice.
6.  The person who eats M&M’s has a parakeet.
7.  The owner of the Yellow house eats Skittles.
8.  The man living in the center house drinks chocolate milk.
9.  Tyler lives in the first house.
10. The man who eats Twix lives next to the one who has a tabby cat.
11. The man who keeps a Buckskin Horse lives next to the man who eats Skittles.
12. The man who eats Lemonheads drinks Kool-Aid.
13. Greg eats Gummi Bears.
14. Tyler lives next to the blue house.
15. The Twix eater lives next to the one who drinks Vitamin Water.

Good luck!

Happy Earth Day!

Who would have guessed that the Earth has it’s own day? Apparently, this event has been going on for a long time and I was just not aware. It’s kind of embarrassing to tell the truth. I’ve been around a long time and I didn’t know anything about this.

In fact, as you can see, my own daughter has a shirt that sort of rips on the idea that the Earth–you know the big, huge, all-the-people-in-the-world, EARTH only gets one day–when it appears it would like more — all 365 in fact.

So, I did a tiny bit of research, and found that this has been going on since the 70’s—I remember them–and has evolved to the point that the more earth-conscious folks actually, you know…like…DO stuff.

At first, I figured that it was just one more rigged plot to make me feel guilty–but I was wrong. The more I read, the more I learned about how easy it can be to do things a bit better–and really help a lot. It made me feel a bit super heroish. Just doing my part to save the universe.

So first, we should all take the Green QUIZ to see how green we are really living. Don’t be afraid. It is fun. You might be surprised at how well you’re doing. If you need some new tips that’s ok too.

Then, I read about this cute idea for making a compost bin. As long as it doesn’t stink up the place or attract rats or bears or anything–I’m game. It looks pretty cute and my dad used to swear by compost for his garden.

Next, I stumbled onto an adorable paper mache globe that is easy enough to make during nap time. I love globes–they remind me of that little baby that had memorized the map. So cool. Anyway, this globe would be a fun activity for the day.

If you need a Mall adventure here’s one. Take 3 plastic bottles to a Disney Store near you and they will give you a free reusable tote bag , or reusable water bottle.

Earth Day Tips:

Plant some flowers or even a tree.

Step up your recycling efforts by calling the city and ordering a recycle bin.

Find alternatives to bringing your groceries home in plastic bags.

Drink from a reusable water bottle.

Reuse the bags that you have to give them a new purpose–forgive the shameless plug.

Pick up and throw away litter in your neighborhood.

Walk somewhere instead of driving.

Send an Earth-Day greeting to a friend.

Turn off the lights.

Open the windows for a nice cool breeze.

Smile at someone you don’t know.

Buy the organic version of a product you love.

Finally–as a nice bedtime story—watch Wall-E.

I know this post is a link-fest, but there was just so much good stuff–I couldn’t help myself. I hope you’ll click on them.

Even more cool Earth Day Stuff!

Let me know what you’re doing to celebrate our planet.

Happy Earth Day.

Baby Feet

New Year’s Goal #6– I will pay attention to the tiny feet that may be stepping in my footprints.

Preparing this week for General Conference is an easy way to set a good, happy example for the babies.

Years ago, when the bald kid was about 7, he was in the kitchen looking at the huge wall calendar that we had on the corkboard. He walked his fingers over the holidays, birthdays, sport events and parties that were scattered throughout the month of October. Because it’s such a busy month he kept saying, “cool…cool…cool.”

Then as he got closer to the top of the calendar—he was short back then and had started at the bottom of the page—he shouted, “Yes-yes-YES!! CONFERENCE!” Everybody in the room just busted up laughing. I figured something must be working right.

Over the years, in our quest to help the kids enjoy Conference we would buy inexpensive notebooks–you know the kind you can get at Target for 25 cents at “Back To School” sales–and a new pen of some kind. Saturday morning we would ceremoniously pass them out with the instructions that they could use one page per speaker.

They could take notes,

or draw picture of the topic

or of the speaker themselves–

or a combination of all three.

Now, for our family, it felt important to NEVER give the children the feeling that they had to sit here for 4-2 hour stints and not move or breathe or leave the room.

In fact, we told them outright that they could go play if they wanted to. But the incentive to stay in the room was that every half hour or so, I would pull some kind of surprise out of a secret brown bag–and whoever was here taking notes would get the treat.

Watching Conference in St. George Hotel

It could be muffins, or fruit rolls or Wheat Thins or mandarin oranges. The important thing was that the bag held things we rarely ever bought. So they really wanted to stick around.

Then, at the end of Conference on Sunday afternoon they would count up their number of  speakers and we’d give them a Skittle or M&M for each one. That might not sound like much, but over the two days–there are close to 30 speakers and so there is potential for quite a handful of loot.

One year, I told the kids I would give them $5 if they could tell me the name of each member of the Quorum of the Twelve and the First Presidency–just by looking at their picture. Bribery may seem like a goofy tactic to some, but it made sense that it would be easier to listen to, and respect someone that they recognized–and $5 was a cheap way to help that happen. They all did it and the girls wouldn’t let me pay them. But the best part was later when one of the little boys came running up the stairs breathless, saying, “Hurry, you’ve gotta come downstairs! L. Tom Perry is on TV!”

If you’d like a reward for getting to the end of the longest blog post in history– here is a Conference Packet you can download for your own family.

Conference Packet 2009

Culinary Bravery

Update continued…

New Year’s Goal #5– “I will try one new recipe each month, perhaps– even out of my incredibly narrow comfort zone.”

Perhaps you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve been working hard on this one. It’s turned out more like trying a new recipe 4 or 5 times a month—so I can post something weekly…here. As far as the comfort zone goes–I wouldn’t hold my breath for fried squid or artichoke heart casserole or anything, but I have been a pretty good sport about trying the restaurant recipes…and once in a while, something with evil nuts in it. So, though you may not see it–I am very brave.

I’ll prove it.

See below…