Look at this sweet baby…
sitting soooo still…getting her hair combed.
Oh, but she wouldn’t let mommy do it.
She wouldn’t let Grammy do it.
It positively, absolutely HAD to be…Uncle Dane.
And those big, old, football throwing hands worked hard—I’ll tell you–to get every hair to stay where they belonged.
And those same big, old hands had a heck of a time making the teeny tiny rubber bands behave properly.
He wasn’t very happy with the end result. Said Chompy looked “more like George Washington than our baby girl,” and that I “shouldn’t post pictures of such a silly thing.”
But you know I will, because, I say, whenever you find evidence of love like this–you should capture it—
and hold it close to your heart…as proof…
that no matter what happens in this life–deep down…
everything really will be all right.