Stained Glass Crochet


I’ve found the perfect late-night-in-front-of-the-tv-type project. You know, the soothing kind that keeps the hands busy-busy while the mind just starts shutting down for the evening.


This is the afghan project that my dear Daney boy and his Kortney chose many months ago. With them not quite so close anymore, I figure, now’s the time.


It’s called the “Stained Glass” afghan from Annie’s Attic and oh, myyyy is it ever fun. Some nights, I can barely put it down.


The whole design of the motif changes with every round, which of course spurs me on to finish each of the twelve, if for no other reason than to see what it’s going to look like next.


I’ll keep taking pictures of the progress though because this fun thing might just be hard to give away in the end…

that is…

if those two weren’t so dang cute.


For King and Country

When Dane and the Bald Kid were little fellows, their favorite toys on the face of the earth were these guys.

Oh, they took hours–sometimes all day–to set everything up…

and get everyone in their proper place, you know…

before the Vikings showed up…

and before the pirates attacked.


So this was a totally new experience for Miss Chompy…

sitting there minding her own business with her Duplo blocks and My Little Ponys…

to have this big, nutty guy swoop in with a fire breathing dragon and put all the calm creatures in terrible danger.

  Ok, it’s getting personal now.

Pony Princess Celestia, meet Maid Marion.

Chompy watched intently to see how this knights-and-pirates-duking-it-out stuff actually works.

She didn’t know how she felt about all the sword swinging and painful sound effects, and pretend people dropping like flies…

and the limb lopping and…and…carnage. That just never happens in Ponyville.  Is that a little plastic head I see over there?

Oh, run Chompy, run.  These guys play too rough.

Wait…Miss Chompy–what are you doing? Miss Chompy?

“Dear King Arthur,

We regret to inform you that a giant two headed dragon ate your men. I hear he had a pretty little accomplice. Yeah, sorry about that.

There were no survivors.”

And Dane gets a million dollar fine for corrupting a perfectly decent 3-year-old.
