A Piece of My Heart Garland

For Daney-boy’s birthday this year, I made him this Valentine’s garland for his mantle.

I know what you’re thinking…

“Why would a big burly dude like Dane want a froofy Valentine heart garland?”

Well, I’ll tell you.

See, this particular big, burly dude happens to lovvvve decorating for the holidays…

any holidays.

In fact, I’m sure, right this minute, he’s trying to figure out what I can crochet for Groundhog’s day or Harry Potter’s birthday or…or…or…

You get the point.

And you know what?

I’d probably do it too.

Because I have a special place in my heart for my sweet kids who all seem to adore making life a little more fun and having something magical to look forward to.

What I really hope is that they come by it…




Note: The pattern I used is the Frilly Heart Coaster by Hygge Crochet Co.

Things That Go Bump In the Night

There is this tree, in the neighbors yard that has one itty bitty ridiculous branch that scratches against the tiny piece of siding on the tippy top of the side of my silly little house.  During the day it’s only slightly noticeable–but in the middle of the NIGHT–it sounds like a dozen raccoons with a xylophone banging on the wall.

Good thing I know a guy.

A big, brave, strong guy with some loppers.

Thanks Daney boy!!

You saved me and you’re my hero.

Now get down from there. You’re scaring your mother.


Tending the Littles

Dane, Kortney and Merrick went to the BYU game tonight and I got to tend the other little ones.

It was pretty quiet because they were in bed when I got there. It was so quiet that I started texting Chomp who was tending Jillian’s kids–for the same game.

Then this sweet little thing got up saying she didn’t feel good so she slept down here by me.

Being a Grammy is pretty dang awesome. I’m soooo lucky.

Such sweet kids…all of them.

Summer Booths

We spent considerable time in the booths at the festivals this summer.

My boy hosted a booth for his work at most of the events in the county. It was tons of fun to go, just to be with him, so he didn’t have to sit there alone for hours on end.

We had a lot of Dippin’ Dots…a personal favorite–and tried tons of other food, most of which I was too busy eating, to even grab a picture. I know, I know….slow dowwwn…chew your foooood. I’m a work in progress.

Sometimes we had little imps visiting their daddy…

which, of course, is always delightful.

Another perk is finding the best homemade bread and salsa and jam and…candy! We found these incredible Swedish Fish without the red dye!! Dane and I bought a TON of them! Yum!

My memories of this summer will be full of the people I love…

surrounded by all the people they love.

We even have a new somebody–that we already love, and would very much like to keep.  

Hee hee!

The Grinch Party!!

Another LOVELY perk of having Dane and Kortney back in town is that they get to share some of their unique Christmas traditions with us.

Welcome to the Whoville Grinch Party!!


Cindy-lou Who even showed up!!

Great artwork Daney boy and wonderful Grinch party!! It’s sooooo fantastic to have you and your family with us.

(Now if we can just get them to STAY)