Summer Booths

We spent considerable time in the booths at the festivals this summer.

My boy hosted a booth for his work at most of the events in the county. It was tons of fun to go, just to be with him, so he didn’t have to sit there alone for hours on end.

We had a lot of Dippin’ Dots…a personal favorite–and tried tons of other food, most of which I was too busy eating, to even grab a picture. I know, I know….slow dowwwn…chew your foooood. I’m a work in progress.

Sometimes we had little imps visiting their daddy…

which, of course, is always delightful.

Another perk is finding the best homemade bread and salsa and jam and…candy! We found these incredible Swedish Fish without the red dye!! Dane and I bought a TON of them! Yum!

My memories of this summer will be full of the people I love…

surrounded by all the people they love.

We even have a new somebody–that we already love, and would very much like to keep.  

Hee hee!

The Grinch Party!!

Another LOVELY perk of having Dane and Kortney back in town is that they get to share some of their unique Christmas traditions with us.

Welcome to the Whoville Grinch Party!!


Cindy-lou Who even showed up!!

Great artwork Daney boy and wonderful Grinch party!! It’s sooooo fantastic to have you and your family with us.

(Now if we can just get them to STAY)


The Wanderer’s Return

At last…at last!

With hugs for absolutely everyone…


and younger…


and taller…

my crazy wanderers have returned.

My heart is filled to the brim and I can breathe more deeply now.

All are safely gathered in…

To Find My Boy

Out of the blue–we got news that our Daney boy and his family would be in Las Vegas for about a week–there was only one thing to do…


Awesome too that Lily & Beckham both had soccer games there that week as well. Double duty roadtrip! Wahoooo!

We made a quick stop at the Creamery–you know…

long enough to get and ice cream cone, and get our picture taken with  a cow. Heh, heh.

We drove, and drove and drove until the lights of the city came into view.

Now, honestly, none of us are particularly huge fans of Vegas. The whole place feels kinda creepy to tell the truth. But if my wandering Texas boy and his birdies are here then we’ll forge ahead!!

Ok, nowwww I feel better. Haha. Seriously though, it did make me happy to see the Trump hotel. So dang awesome.

Good old Nate found our hotel in no time and checked us in. Then all we had to do was wallllllllk to our rooms.

This place was so huge that there was an airport type moving walkway just in the nick of time!

Though I whined…I did not, in fact, die–as you can see.

Ahhhhhh….what a lovely room!! And what cute kids!

After a good night’s sleep, we were off to find my Texas boy!

We found them!!! Oh, it was so good to see Dane and Kortney, sweet little Merrick and Skylie and Linky.  I didn’t take the pictures that I should have because I was too busy hugging them all.

This breakfast joint was the meetup place for the rest of the family travelers!

I know that other than Dane’s family–we all live right by each other, but for some reason it was just so nice to sit there and look around at everyone. I kept thinking–“These are allllll mine.”

So, so good to see them again. And SO incredibly good to have all my family in one room– even if it was just for a little while.

And did I mention–the food here was great too! The pancakes were bigger than the plate!

My BLT looked positively dangerous!

It was scrumptious, although I had to dismantle it before I could eat it. Nobody’s mouth opens that big.

After that– some folks went shopping…

site seeing…

did some soccer-y stuff…

and caught the water show at the Bellagio. Believe it or not, I stayed in the car in the parking lot because it was just too much walking for me. Look at these little treasures, would you?

Mine. Mine. Mine.  Heh, heh.

I spent the last night at the soccer condo so that I could teach my class from there, Saturday morning.

The crazy boys stayed up half the night playing games. They laughed so much I thought someone would be sick.

We came home after two lovely days with all my kiddos together. I’m pretty sure that this is what Heaven is like.

My Heaven anyway.


First Snow…men

With the very first real snowfall of the year, Rhen was over come with seasonal spirit and promptly went out and made an adorable little snow man. Perhaps this is better described as a snow-ball man–but no matter. We adore him, perched up on top of the car!!

When the family saw our little guy the photos of their snowy creations started flooding the family text group. Miss Chomp and Fluttershy with their frosty fellow–

so cute!!

Miss H with her gigantic snow lady. Check out that hat!!

K & L’s snow chick even has long, lovely hair! Awesome, awesome.

Even my crazy Dane sent in his contribution from 85 degree Texas.

Ohhhh, Dane!  HAAA!

Our silly snow didn’t last long–an hour or two, tops–but we’re pretty good at making the most of what we’ve got…rain or shine.

And loving every minute!