Look Quick!!

The kitties are all in the same place at the same time!

Honestly, between Dali chasing Lyla or Hobbes wrestling Dali or Lyla hiding from everyone and  EVERY thing, getting a picture like this is pretty rare.

It’s like that once in a decade photo of a lightening strike.

I should call Time magazine.



Explorer Dali

On Dali’s first real adventure in the backyard–she got very brave and climbed the tree. Then she jumped from the tree to the old, creepy shed roof….

the slippery, old, creepy shed roof.

Luckily, there was a pile of fluffy leaves below. She climbed right back up and did it again. Crazy girl.



*No cats were harmed in the making of this post.

All These Kitties


Yeah, there are a lot of kitties in this place. Three to be exact.

Hmmmm…does that make me a crazy cat lady? Who can say? But honestly, how could we do without any one of them?

We have beautiful, shy, skittish Lyla…

bossy, no nonsense, alpha man Hobbes…

and happy, silly, affectionate little Dali.

Sometimes they get along beautifully,

…as if they were the best of friends.

Other times, they would rather have their own space…

to stretch…

to sleep…

and to play.

All that said, they have each nudged a space in our hearts we couldn’t possibly do without them.

and the feeling seems mutual.



Outside Looking In

Hobbes can’t figure out why the kid is INSIDE and he…is not.

Haha. I don’t feel too bad because we have a cat door that he is welcome to use at ANY time.

Silly rabbit.


Shoulder Angel

There seems to be only one place this kitty wants to sleep.

It’s not so bad, unless it’s time to get up and I…

you know…


Heh, heh.