Shhhh….It’s a Secret!

Tip toe on over here and let me show you something. Oh, wait. I really don’t want my kids to see–so I’ll meet you behind the “Secrets” tab…or just CLICK HERE. You’ll see a bit of what’s up for Christmas in these parts.

:} hee, hee…



Oh, yes–and Happy Winter Solstice everyone. This day–Tuesday December 21 is an amazing rarity. Find out why–right HERE.  Winter officially begins today at 3:38 pm.  Imagine that!

Christmas Pudding Ornament

One of these days–I’d really like to make a true-live, authentic plum pudding…you know, to see what all the fuss is about.  I mean, seriously, it’s in all the old books at Christmas time and I’d really like to know if it’s amazingly scrumptious, or…nasty. Either way, at least I’ll know.

For now, however, I’m satisfied with this little ornament that looks like a pudding. It’ll just have to do.

If you’d like to make one yourself–go right  HERE to Planet June for the free pattern. It whipped up in an afternoon and–as you can see–is just adorable.

And it will bide the time until I find a real one to share with you–for better, or worse.

* Oh, and if you need help with crochet techniques–click on the Crafting Tutorials tab and scroll to the bottom where you’ll find some handy crochet How-To pages. That should help.
Good luck!

Gathering Color

The incredible colors of Autumn are all around us now…at last…at last.

I’ve been working on a few new colors of my own these days. Fascinating to think that all those little specks have a story of their own.

Taking bags to make…more bags does seem like a funny thing to do–if you think hard about it.

So I don’t.

It just feels good to take something that filled a purpose…

and give it another one. Only this time, it’s purpose will be much less fleeting–and be useful for years to come. And if it turns out beautiful and fun as well–that’s a big plus.

New, fun colors coming up in the shop–very soon!

T-Shirt Yarn Pumpkins

Remember the fabuloso “yarn” we made a few weeks back out of old T-shirts? Well, I’m happy to report that all that old stuff was given new life. Seems only fitting that if something is going to come back from the “dead” as it were–they should do it close to Halloween…

and reappear as a couple of sweet pumpkins–don’t you think?

I used the pumpkin pattern found at Planet June from a couple of years back. Of course, to work with this stuff–you’ll need a bigger hook than is suggested in the yarn pattern. The H hook felt the most comfortable to me, but you’ll have to mess with it.

Seriously, I do hope you’ll try playing with this fun stuff, because there is just something cool and spooky about bringing something back to life.

Beats Frankenstein any day.


Pumpkin Boy Hat

Stepping up production of the pumpkin hats in the shop. They seem to be a hot item this year–wahoo!

This one’s a bit more of …ummmm…a boyish pumpkin. Note the bolder stitching…

and the blatantly missing scallops. No lacy lady here folks–never mind the background. This is a manly pumpkin hat–I tell you, though still made with the same soft Peaches & Cream Cotton that I love–in Burnt Orange.

But in the next few days I’ll be posting some more additions to the shop for the men-folk called the “Big Hunk” and “Little Hunk” lines. And soon…oh, I promise—so soon, we will have the “Lovely Ladies” additions to our hat collections–for us grown gals.

All because you asked. So please, my friends…stick around.

I love having you in my world.