
We will be announcing the next Gracious Giveaway—

Friday January 30

This one will be great so don’t miss it!

Want a hint? Here’s a riddle…

two-palm-treesphoto by: pic in the sky

Where are the Two Palms located?

heh, heh, heh…

Valentine Essentials

Our new giveaway for this week is just in time for Valentine’s Day…


It consists of:

Romantic Victorian Valentine Stickers

Shiney Hearts Curly Ribbon

Tissue Valentine Garland

Red Hearts Confetti

Pink Hearts Valentine Tissue Paper

Heart Light Necklace

Be Mine Rubber Ducky

There you go. You simply MUST have this stuff for your Valentine’s Day festivities—don’t you agree? So, make a comment on this post and you will be entered in the contest. Also, if you link your blog to this one–you’ll be entered again. Two chances to win!! WAHOO!

Good lucky…ducky.

Winner will be announced on Saturday January 24, 2009

Gracious Giveaway…

Congratulations to our Gracious Giveaway Weekend Winner…

Tracy Jackson

of Orem, Utah

Tracy is the winner of our Crafty Copies Family Night Four Pack and the sheep!

Wahooo Tracy!

Merry Christmas…

Gracious Giveaway!


This week’s Gracious Giveaway is a Four Pack of Family Night Lessons, valued at $14.00, from Crafty Copies of Orem, Utah. Sue has generously included 4 of her best lessons as the prize package for Gracious Rain readers.

The titles are:

Christmas #1 “Come Let Us Adore Him”

Christmas #2 “Give Yourself Away”

Christmas #3 “There Shall Be No Darkness”

“Making Home A Heaven On Earth”

The packets are not only filled with sweet lessons and stories, but also games and activities to help your family find greater joy in time spent together.

All you have to do to enter is click on the words, CRAFTY COPIES. It will take you to the site. Check it out. Come back and post a comment here telling us your favorite item from the Games and Activities page of the Crafty Copies online store. These Family Night lessons would make a great Christmas gift for someone on your list!

I’ll announce the winner on Saturday.

Good Luck!!



Congratulations to our Gracious Giveaway winner:

Kim Chalfant

of California!

Kim is the winner of the Christmas Paper Goods Collection. Way to go Kim!

Thanks for entering everyone!