A Visit With Santa

Ooooh, SANTA!! This is becoming a yearly tradition–Kneader’s and an evening with Santa. Positively scrumptious.

The place is decorated so beautifully.

This little fellow reminds me of a Kris Kringle cookie that my dad used to make. I wanted to take him home sooooo badly.

Magoo’s turn to see the jolly man. He hid behind mom the whole time, and at the very last minute–he bolted!!

That left only mom there to give her Christmas list to Santa.

Lucky for all of us that this sweet guy makes house–or in this case, TABLE calls! He even gave Magoo a Santa cookie for being so…ahem…brave.

And to all a good night!!

Christmasy Neighbors


While we’re working frantically on the house–hoping to be able to move in before Christmas–it’s nice to drive home in the dark.


Especially when we have neighbors that go all out with the lights! Wouldn’t it be fun to have every-single-branch lit up in the yard?


It would be Christmas heaven to me. But for now, I’ll settle for sitting on the side of the road, thoroughly enjoying theirs.

And perhaps, soon, I’ll be watching from my own window.


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Dog Bone Pillow Fest


This is what I spent a few weeks out of my life creating right before Christmas time. Dog Bone Pillows! These little suckers are positively amazing I tell you. They are perfect for tucking behind your neck, or on your shoulder to rest your head more comfortably when watching tv, or reading a book, or as a passenger in a car or bus or train or plane.

I actually inherited my mom’s Dog Bone Pillow and it kept getting swiped by the kids, so this year, I cut a pattern from it and went a little nuts.


Needless to say, all the adults in the family got one for Christmas. Some of the inlaws weren’t even sure what they were. But oh, my…we showed them. Jacob propped his up against the side of the rocking chair and rested his head on it. He woke up an hour later.

I didn’t actually count how many I needed when I started sewing. I just cut out pillows in lots of different fabrics. So in the end, I had about 20 or so left. I suppose they’ll do nicely in the Etsy Shop. Especially if people have ever used one before. It only takes one happy little experience with these magical thingys. Trust me.

They’ll be hooked and then it will be DOG BONES FOR EVERYONE!!

DSC_0265Except Jiff.

She wasn’t a bit impressed.

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From Bethlehem~


For many years now, I’ve gotten a new nativity–of some sort– at Christmas time. If you’ll recall, last year’s was a rubber ducky set. Ridiculous, but very cute. I couldn’t resist.

This was never meant to be a tradition really, but more an activity to ease the heartache of losing an entire box of nativity sets that I’d collected over the past 30 years.  In one of the many moves our family made since becoming single, this most important box, somehow, never made it to us. In it we’d packed six or seven different sets that the kids had grown up with–most importantly, one that I bought while on a trip to Bethlehem back in the 70’s. To say that it broke my heart to lose that box is putting it lightly. However, I’ve always believed that things happen for a reason, and if the reason is that someone, somewhere needed that box full of baby Jesus more than we did–well then, I’m good with it.


This year, my dear daughter April gave me a gift. An incredibly beautiful gift. When she heard that her In-laws were going to the Holy Land, she arranged to have them find a new nativity set– hand chosen for me, in the town of Bethlehem. Oh, my goodness what a perfect job they did.

It is beautiful! The detailed carving work is amazing and each piece has it’s own personality, distinct and lovely.

When I was in Bethlehem a million years ago, I bought the only set I could afford. I loved it for that reason, but the craftsmanship was very low scale. In fact, the running joke was, “Don’t look at the faces too closely or you won’t be able to tell a donkey from a shepherd!” Yeah, it was kinda bad.

But this set…is simply gorgeous!! Joseph’s staff is removable and baby Jesus isn’t carved into the manger. You can actually take him out…which fact we’ve learned over and over as we keep finding him in random places. That Magoo! It’s fun to take each piece and study it for awhile to appreciate it’s individual beauty. Mary is smiling, the wise men are incredibly ornate and the sheep and other animals look…real. It’s breathtaking I tell you.

Such a treasure, such a blessing, such a gift of love this Christmas!

Thank you, my sweet daughter.

Your thoughtfulness has healed my heart.

I love it beyond words. And you too.

Merry Christmas.