Crazy Lights

You ever seen one of those yards… 

at Christmas time…

that makes your car come to a complete stop all by itself…

just so you can sit there and gawk?

As beautiful as it is, all I can think is, “Holy Cow…the light bill.”

Crochet Nativity– Donkey & The Lamb

Ooooooh lookey here!! It’s time for my cute daughter’s birthday again and so you know what that means— a few more pieces for her nativity.

Just look at this little cutie! Awwwww….

This little guy is soooo adorable, I have to tell you–he was hard to give away.

And now we have handsome Mr. Donkey. He turned out a bit bigger than I expected. No, like bigger than Joseph. *Sigh.* That’s what happens when you don’t have the original pieces to use as a reference. GIANT stable animals. We’ve decided to pretend that everyone is kneeling–except the huge animals.

I must say, THIS nativity set has a ton of personality.

And I love it.