A Visit With Santa

Ooooh, SANTA!! This is becoming a yearly tradition–Kneader’s and an evening with Santa. Positively scrumptious.

The place is decorated so beautifully.

This little fellow reminds me of a Kris Kringle cookie that my dad used to make. I wanted to take him home sooooo badly.

Magoo’s turn to see the jolly man. He hid behind mom the whole time, and at the very last minute–he bolted!!

That left only mom there to give her Christmas list to Santa.

Lucky for all of us that this sweet guy makes house–or in this case, TABLE calls! He even gave Magoo a Santa cookie for being so…ahem…brave.

And to all a good night!!

With The Kids


While my daughter April went to Quilt Market, in Texas–I got to stay behind (wahhh!) and take care of the kiddos (hooray!). We actually had tons of fun just hanging out, doing homework, annnnnd….

putting together a gargantuan 1000 piece puzzle. I wasn’t sure that they’d care ANYthing about such a huge thing with such teeny, tiny pieces.

But they did. We spent hours and hours sitting at the table talking, and laughing, and finding pieces for each other. Probably helped that it was a puzzle about candy.

It also helped that we had plenty of Cheetos on hand. Speaking of hands, look what I found.

Skeleton Cheetos!!! Whoever heard of such a thing?


Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

As if Cheetos needed to get any better. These ones were white cheddar flavored. Oh, my goodness…YUM.


This little guys is yelling, “SAVE ME!!”

Too late.

Heh, heh, heh.

Color Fest


It’s been quite a while since Miss Chompy has come downstairs to my realm and said, “Grammy, let’s do our nails!” Which means of course that she already has the enormous bag of ancient polishes from when her mom was a teen. Some of the colors are old and sticky, but there are a surprising few that still work. The little girlie can never ever decide which color is her absolute favorite so most often–she will opt for the Color Fest–or one of all the good ones.

I hope she’ll ask me to paint her nails for another few decades yet. Hanging out with this little muffin never gets old, and with or without the polish she colors our world just right.

Gr Signature

My Little Helper

The House

While I was looking at the real estate For Sale site the other day, Miss Chompy came in and asked what I was doing. I said, I’m looking for a house that I can live in someday.

Pointing to the home on the computer screen, she said, “That one’s nice. You should buy it.”

I said, “Yeah, but I have to save up a ton of money first. Even small houses cost a lot.”

She got all excited and ran out of the room calling back, “Don’t worry, Grammy. I’ll help you!”

The sweetheart came back with the penny jar and this sign.



thanks, honey.

I think.

Gr Signature

Calming Lavender Cloud Dough

lavender cloud dough recipe

A soothing moldable dough that will give children a sensory experience and help them calm down at the same time. Where was this magical thing when I was raising kids?

Found it on Growing A Jeweled Rose. Can’t wait to try it for the grand-littles.

I can see it now…

“Here my darlings. Play with this lovely…smushy…comforting dough…ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.”

“Grammy? Grammy?”

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