About Me

Family mine

 Hi- I’m Launi. I’m a single mom of 5–three lovely girls and two handsome fellows. They are pretty much grown now, with families of their own, but still, we find being together through much of what we do each day…just suites us. And for me surrounded by the things I love most– is positively perfect in every way.

A few more things I adore…

Rainy days, autumn leaves, kids books, pretty chicken coops, vintage photographs, crochet hooks, old-old houses, sappy movies, Cheetoes, purple, new fabric, laughing till my face hurts, stone fences, Scottish accents, cats, homemade slippers, porches, Hello Kitty, periwinkle, soft, squishy yarn and ok…I’ll admit it—Thor. I’m in love with him.

Things I can live without~

Thorny weeds, sharks, coconut, spiders, alligators, eggplant, stingrays, aliens, snakes,  pessimism, mean people, and anything in the larva phase.

That’s pretty much it….the rest of you can stay.

Rhen & mom

:}   Welcome- welcome. I do hope you’ll join me~ I love having you here!

Favorite quote:

“Be nice or be quiet.”


 heh, heh.

37 Replies to “About Me”

  1. You look like an awesome mom and ‘grammy’ 🙂 Glad I ‘stumbled’ by and I will return!

  2. Hi Launi,
    I have been trying to contact you about your hypnobirthing classes, I am almost 19 weeks and was thinking of doing the fall course. I didn’t see anywhere that said you the location of your classes I just need to know what city so that I can clear it with my husband.
    Let me know we would love to have you teach us the the techniques you have learned! You seem like the perfect ‘crafty’ mother and I love to look at your projects…I definately need the little lamb animal pattern you made for your grandkids it is too cute!
    Email is probably the best way to contact me I would gratly appreciate any information you have about the class!

  3. Launi ~
    What a special treat to be able to call you ‘friend’! You have SO much to share and I’m so glad that you do. You are such a beautiful soul – the world is a much better place because you are in it. Thanks for all you do and please, keep on doing it!
    Love you oodles,

  4. Hi!

    I had a question about hosting a sweepstakes on your site. Shoot me an email when you get a chance so I can give you the details. It ends this Friday.


  5. Dear Launi, I’m Eduardas Siauliai brunch president. Your son is my councellor and friend. I just want to say thank you for you son and for you example for him. He tell me about you and your obedience to Gospel.
    You have real good son, I’m proud that I have him like friend.

    P. S. sorry for my English.

  6. President! I’m Elder Anderson’s sister. He has told us all about you! He said that you are a wonderful man and a great friend to him as well. Thank you for serving so diligently in all you do. It’s nice to know he has someone like you to be with out in Lithuania 🙂 Thank you! Please keep us posted on how you and the branch are doing, and if there is anything that you guys need out there!

  7. Hello Eduardas! Thank you so much for your sweet comments. Dane has told us how much he loves you and the branch. Thank you so much for being such a good friend to our boy. We miss him so much, but know he is in good hands when serving Heavenly Father. Thank you for helping to take care of him. Is there anything you need that we could send to you from Utah? We would love to help.

    PS–Your English is lovely! :]

  8. dear launi my name is laura and i have stumbled upon your website and cannot stop looking through it. i will be purchasing a headband or two from your etsy shop. they are beautiful along with your other crafts, family and delicacies! at least that’s how they look 🙂 you seem like a truly amazing lady. i hope that does not sound strange. i have enjoyed looking through your charming site. thank you

  9. Hello Laura~

    Thank you sooo much for the sweet comments. I’m so happy that you are enjoying Gracious Rain–we are having a wonderful time with it. Thank you also for the kind words about the Etsy shop. I hope you find something there that warms your heart. You–my dear–are the reason this blogging thing is so wonderful and fun. I hope you’ll stick with us–tons of good things ahead.
    Thank you- thank you!



  10. Hello, I’m researching and looking into becoming a certified hyponobirthing educator.I live in WVC Utah. Do you have any recommendations or comments that you can give me? All and any that i can get would be very helpfull! How is the business (I guessed you couid call it that) here in Utah? How did you become established if I might ask. How long did it take you?
    -jus a little bit about me- I have 11 children, 6 boys & 5 girls *all single births*, 10 @ home & 1 was a hospital birth. I’m going to be a grandma in 3 weeks, 1st grandchild *yeah i’m so excited :)*.
    Thank You,
    Marin M.

  11. Lovely to meet you Launi! I look forward to perusing your blog further! Hypnobirthin gis something I would love to know more about-due my 2nd daughter in about 4 weeks now! thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂 xx

  12. Launi, Oh I love your quote…. with 12 grandkids I could be using that one every day. I just want to thank you so much for the lovely job you did pesenting my shop and the brick & box offer I have for the fans… It was really well done and I have been touched reading the comments.. who wounldn’t… so I’ll be waiting to hear who to send the necklace to. It’s beeen beautiful here in Forks this week end and we’re doning some of our outside work… love autum.. crisp and cool… thanks again. my best, Tena

  13. Launi, I need your address so that I can send you your copy of the cookbook I did this summer which included your peach popsicles. I have it ready to send, I just need to have your address.

    Lois Kirby Parry

  14. I just found your website this morning. I know that I will enjoy your blogs. I’m a mother of 5 and a grandma to 7 and I also love to craft,quilt,knit, and cook/bake although I’m not much of a writter, as you can see with this too long sentence. I’m going to make your mint pinwheels for tomorrow,andf maybe whip up a few of those cute shamrocks if time will permit. Have a great St. Patrick’s day.
    Susan from Michigan

  15. Oooooh-oooh! Welcome to Gracious Rain my friend. We are so happy you’re here. Please stick around. We’re a bit nuts–but we have a lot of good fun. I hope you share a link of your creations when you’re finished.
    Glad you found us. :}

  16. Launi, it is amazing how much we are alike. I write, cook (was a pastry chef years ago), crochet, sew, into paper crafts (which is how I found you), and the list goes on. Now I am a writer at night but kept the day job because I like to eat (Paralegal and mediator/arbitrator). I almost fell over when I saw your picture. You look very much like me. I even love the name “Gracious Rain” because I absolutely love the rain although it goes far beyond that. It is so soothing, calming, nurturing, and healing.

    I just wanted to say I truly enjoy your website and hope to share ideas, stories, and humor with you some day.

    Kindest regards,
    Lynnette (Grandma Lynn)

  17. Well, now I need to see your picture! Thank you so much for all the kind comments. I would love to be friends with you as we have so much in common. Where are you from?

  18. Just happened upon your site and LOVE it. Love your sense of humor and crafting ideas – Thanks!

  19. I love your recipes and the pictures. I am doing a Kirby Cousins Cookbook for the Kirby Family Reunion next year. I would like to use some of your recipes, with your name and website attached in this cookbook. Do I have your permission to do so? Please just say yes or no, so I can put them in there and move on. Thanks for your kind attention. I do appreciate your skills and talents that you share with the whole world. Take care.

  20. Launi, You and I sound a LOT alike, we are both interested in a number of the same things, I too sew, craft, crochet, knit, love to play with babies (though I dont have any right now, none of my babies has had babies yet) I do paper crafts, stained glass and mosaics, I like to bake but not cook so much, I also like to write and read. I’d love to get to know you outside your blog, if you are interested, see I am pretty bhome bound and dont know very many people where I live, so I am always looking to connect with like minded people. Please email me if you are interested.

  21. @Launi, I found your acorn donut holes which we are going to use for my neice’s baby shower. My husband actually went into your link from Pintret and we were ready your instructions with our morning coffee. We were both hysterically laughing at your instructions!!!!!!! You definitely brought some needed laughter. Your humor made us feel as though we were back home in NJ (live now in CA). What part of the world are you from? We will definitely stop by and visit again.
    Wes and Eileen

  22. @Launi, I found your acorn donut holes which we are going to use for my neice’s baby shower. My husband actually went into your link from Pintret and we were ready your instructions with our morning coffee. We were both hysterically laughing at your instructions!!!!!!! You definitely brought some needed laughter. Your humor made us feel as though we were back home in NJ (live now in CA). What part of the world are you from? We will definitely stop by and visit again.
    Wes and Eileen

  23. McClelland’s are trying to get in touch with Rhen. We are in town for tomorrow only. We are having lunch with Ali Williams and maybe Charlie Beckh tomorrow at Zupa’s in Provo at noon. Have him call me at 817-629-0491.

  24. Hi Launi! I am the editor of AllFreeDIYWeddings.com, a free resource for DIY brides. I would love to feature some of your fabulous tutorials on our site with one photo and a link back to your site for the full tutorial, so none of your content is reproduced. Please let me know if you are interested in being featured, and I’d be happy to link up to some of your projects on AllFreeDIYWeddings! I can either choose the projects to feature on the site, or if you prefer, you can send me links to projects you are interested in having featured.

    Also, if you’d like, once we have linked up to at least two projects, I can set up a designer profile for you with a brief bio and links to your site/blog and social media resources.

    Please let me know what you think via email! I hope we can begin working together soon.

    Thank you for your time,

  25. Please add my name to your email list. I could seem to find the sign-up. Thanks!

  26. Hi there Launi,

    Is there a business email we can contact you on? We’re interested in working with you!

    Kind regards,
    Natural And Healthy Living Team

  27. Thank you so much for the cutting instruction for making tee shirt yarn. Its so easy and fun, and what a time saver!! Didn’t know it would curl like that…Love it, Aloha

  28. I love your soap sack crochet pattern and have been making some for this year’s Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse, which benefits children in impoverished conditions globally while volunteers share the love and gospel of Christ. When I tried sharing the pattern with my mom so she, too, can help me reach my goal of 50 soap sacks, we received a “Page Not Found” message. I tried to recreate the pattern to the best of my memory, but I am hoping for the actual pattern to be reposted. Thanks so much!

  29. Hello,
    My name is Tanya. I am doing online marketing for different brands.
    I wanted to contact you about the possibility of contributing on graciousrain.com .
    I was wondering if we could contribute a sponsored post with dofollow links on your website. What would be the price for this option?

    I look forward to hearing from you!
    Thank you for your time.

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