The Grinch Party!!

Another LOVELY perk of having Dane and Kortney back in town is that they get to share some of their unique Christmas traditions with us.

Welcome to the Whoville Grinch Party!!


Cindy-lou Who even showed up!!

Great artwork Daney boy and wonderful Grinch party!! It’s sooooo fantastic to have you and your family with us.

(Now if we can just get them to STAY)


Something’s Missing!!

Ohhhhhh it’s a rotten thing INDEED to go to all the work to do a puzzle this intense (Look at allll that white and grey–gah!) only to get to the end–right before the deadline (Thanksgiving) and find out that…

you’re missing a piece!!


I mean honestly…I don’t live in a house with toddlers that eat puzzle pieces.

But wait. I do have that one cat. And he has been known to bat those pieces onto the floor and smack them around till they end up in Outer Mongolia somewhere. Hmmmmm…

Yeah, my money says it was him. Cause you know…he has that “I did it and I’m glad I did it” look to him.


Thwarted by the feline.



PS–Good news!! I FOUND it!!

It was in the kitchen…by the back door…

the CAT door.

Uh-huh. Outer Mongolia.

Like I said.

The Wanderer’s Return

At last…at last!

With hugs for absolutely everyone…


and younger…


and taller…

my crazy wanderers have returned.

My heart is filled to the brim and I can breathe more deeply now.

All are safely gathered in…