It’s About the Lamb

I found the sweetest little Lamb pattern that seemed to fit perfectly with my goal of recognizing the Savior’s gift to us on Easter. I wanted to make them for my kids but I just couldn’t get five of them finished in time.

So instead, I ran them around to my neighbors with a sweet little booklet called “It’s Not About the Bunny, It’s About the Lamb.”

I think I’ll be making a few more of these.

At least 5 anyway.

Happy Easter!



Original Pattern from Kertupertu Shop


Granny Chicks

These little sweeties were so much fun to crochet that I didn’t want to stop making them.

It was a lovely way to use up a bunch of scrap colors that I had.

Since each chicken is made out of two Granny Squares I made both sides different…just for the heck of it.

They prettied up real easy in the little cello bags…

and Easter colored curly ribbon.

Ready to take around to my kids.

Happy Holy Week Everyone!



Pattern by Sweet Softies

Happy Easter!!


Like many of my family and friends, we tried real hard to direct our focus a lot more on the real meaning of Easter this year.

I even listened to a talk by Gary Stevenson that suggested we start looking at Easter as a holiday that rivals Christmas in importance.

Don’t get me wrong–I love the other stuff too. The bunnies the chicks and baskets and eggs.

And then there’s the candy. Oh, yeah. Can we talk for a few days about the CANDY?!

But I also see that this day should mean so much more.

We are trying and I hope each year to do better and better at remembering that there would be no reason for Christmas…

if there wasn’t an Easter.


Such a brave, beautiful little thing, popping up right in the middle of the lawn. I guess it’s an April-showers-bring-May-flowers sort of thing.

I just thought somebody had to plant them first.

Happily, I was wrong.