Tomato Cucumber Salad


Need a simple snack? Peeled and seeded cucumbers with chopped Roma tomatoes.

With or without a little Creamy Italian— it’s positively heaven! I tried to be rational but I’m pretty sure I went back for more.

Can’t wait till that is fresh from my garden. If I grow nothing else…those would be my staples. Yum!

Sleeping With the Enemy

Soooo this is a first.

Normally, Lyla steers way clear of Hobbes because he’s always jumping on her and knocking her over–you know–all the tough guy stuff. He’s too much of a wild boy for her prissy nature and…well, she’s just plain scared of him.

So to look over and see the two of them in the same corner of the universe–never mind the same bed– was beyond belief.  I can’t even tell you.
Will wonders never cease?

Apparently not.

One thing I did notice though–only one of these kitties is actually sleeping. Lyla’s no dummy and she’s not taking her eyes off this dude.
Love at home, indeed…

with one eye open. Ha.

Miss Hazel’s Birthday

Such a lovely thing–a birthday. Honestly, I love coming to anyone’s birthday because we always have fun just the same. We just love being together. There’s always great food, lovely conversation, throwing footballs, opening presents, eating cake and sooo much laughter.

See for yourself.


Conference Calisthenics

Some people like to multitask. You know…doing several things at once.

In this case, Rhen likes to do his stretching while watching General Conference.


What he didn’t realize, until a few minutes in, was that he had a little shadow coming along for the ride. Every move he made… she followed, with sweet five-year-old precision.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” they say.  And seriously, if you’re going to mimic someone you may as well do it with exercise–right?

I’m sure, in the end it will help a lot…

especially after all that French toast.

Heh, heh.