Miss Potter

I seem to be having a Beatrix Potter “thing” these days.

First, we watched the movie “Miss Potter” for the millionth time.

Can’t get enough of that one.

Then Jillian visited the Potter museum and brought back some beautiful treasures from the Lake District in England.

Then there are all the magical books that make my heart sooo happy.

I remember working at the bookstore when I was just a kid and dreaming of owning the whole World of Peter Rabbit boxed set…someday…

… someday.

Heh, heh.


Second Attempt At Sourdough

I solemnly swear, I’m going to figure this sourdough bread thing out, if it’s the last thing I do. I’ve watched every video, and read every article I can get my hands on. So I really should be an expert by now…in SPIRIT anyway. This was my second attempt and it was only ok. Please note there are no pictures from my first go around. It was…ahem… pretty dreadful. This one was too heavy and wet inside. Not right at all.
I’ll try again and see if I can get a loaf that is just what it ought to be. Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed.
The bright side is that if I never figure it out it will be fine. I hear there’s a Kneader’s going up just down the street.
Buying sourdough to support a local business would kind of make me a hero. Right?
Heh, heh.

Shoulder Angel

There seems to be only one place this kitty wants to sleep.

It’s not so bad, unless it’s time to get up and I…

you know…


Heh, heh.

The Kitty Kingdom

Our three sweet babies.

Good old Hobbes who bears the scars of all the battles he’s been in to save us all from the threats–real or imaginary that are outside that window.

Sweet, gentle Lyla who dashes and ducks from every sound she hears, yet lowers her head and growls if a stranger comes to our porch.

The baby- little Dali who hasn’t a care in the world and still can’t figure out why she isn’t allowed to climb my leg like a tree or eat my bracelet.

It’s our lovely kitty kingdom and my goodness how we love it.

Three kitties seems to be the perfect number…

for us.

Lead Foot

I need to get up and get some work done— but there’s a kitten asleep…

on my foot.

And yes she is actually hanging upside down like that, with her nose on the floor.