Hilary and Reed

I was scheduled to be induced (I had to throw that in for you Launi so you would remember how impatient I am) on the 29th of December. By the time we got Christmas over with I was ready!! In fact I played boxing on the new Wii all day on the 26th trying to get something to happen!! We went to bed that night and at around 2:00 a.m. I realized I had been tossing and turning for about an hour, I kept getting what felt like a side ache so I would turn over and about 5 minutes later I would get another one. (Keep in mind I have never gone into labor on my own, I have always been induced).

By 3:00 I realized there was a pattern to my “side aches” and started to time them. Meanwhile they were getting a little more intense and I would breath up to 20 and and back down during them. They were about 5 min apart so I got up and walked around a little to see if they would go away. I jumped in the shower and realized they were about 3 min apart at this point. I reluctantly agreed to go to the hospital (I really didn’t want them to send me home). We got there at around 4:15 and my surges were still about 2-3 min apart. The nurses seemed a little reluctant with the fact that I didn’t want an epidural, but were pretty supportive. I was only dilated to 4 when we got there but my surges were still pretty close and getting stronger.

By about 5:30 I asked them to check me again and was at a 6. I told them when I get to a 7 it goes really fast so they better call the doctor. The surges were coming really close together and were getting much stronger. I was still able to answer questions (never ending questions!!) in between and get back to breathing when another surge would come. The doctor got there and found that I was almost ready, I had to give a small push for the shoulders and little Kolt was born at 5:55 a.m. It got a little intense right at the end when the surges were right on top of each other and I seemed to lose my concentration on my breathing, but it happened so quickly it was o.k. I was able to get right up and go to the restroom, which the nurses don’t see too often. I felt great and my recovery was a breeze. We are just so glad to have our new baby here!!

One of my nurses in labor and delivery at Timp said she had just signed up her daughter in law to take your class! She really hoped it would work as well for her as it did for me. I told her you were the best! Talk to you later!


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