I woke up July 5, 2006 at 2:00am. I had only gone to bed 2 hours before. My husband, Justin, woke up one time and I told him my water had broken but to go back to sleep. He did. I went to the bathroom many times and at 7:00am I decided thatwas enough and I got up to eat. While eating breakfast my water gushed out and basically the rest of the day it kept coming out. I took a shower and got ready. I relaxed and took naps. Justin was happy to stay home from work for me to help relax me. I called my midwife, Rebecca Williams, at the Birthing Center in Holladay at about 9:00am or so. She said just come when I feel the surges increase in strength and not to worry how far apart they were. I laid around until 6:00pm that evening. The surges were just tightening in the lower part of my belly and a bit of cramping, but nothing like PMS cramping. Rebecca called and told me there were strict regulations with the birthing center, that if it had be 18 hours after my water broke I would have to go to the hospital to give birth. So we rushed there in 40 minutes (usually takes us 1 hour!)
We got there and she monitored the surges. She saw our baby boy, Owen, was just sleeping and the surges weren’t increasing. She sent us on a walk. While out, my surges were increasing in strength and I was ready to go to our room. So we went back 1 hour later.
We got there and went in the room. We dimmed the lights, turned on the soothing CD I brought and sat in a chair. She brought in popcorn and I munched in between surges. I got on the birthing ball and did some rhythmic movements. Then decided to get in the tub. I felt the surges were stalling in the tub so I got out. Rebecca left and about every 1 minute I had a surge. Things started progressing faster then. No one knew I was progressing so well, so the midwife was worried when the 18 hour mark was coming. She said she needed to check me and if I was dilated to an 8 and 100% effaced she could keep us there. She checked me for the first time ever and I was only at a 4 and 80% effaced. She left the room. She came back and we told her we refused to transfer. So we stayed. I got back in the tub and when I got out I went into active labor. Justin would say affirmations to me and we even put in the Rainbow Relaxation CD. I was very calm and didn’t feel any pain. I would breath very calmly and most of it just seemed to be sleep breathing to me cause I was so tired.
I started sleeping in between surges and actually would only wake up for a second or two of a surge. A couple times I threw up, but that actually helped and I felt better. At times I was uncomfortable and didn’t feel good so I would just change positions or notice I wasn’t totally relaxed so I would fix it and be just fine.
The whole time Owen was just happy. Next thing I knew Owen was crowning. He was there for a while and not progressing even though he seemed to be wanting to come out. So we tried working with gravity. I was on a birthing stool for a while. I did feel like I wanted to push. When ever I pushed it felt good but nothing progressed so I would just breath through them instead. Owen wasn’t coming so we debated an episiotomy. I moved from the birthing stool to the bed to get ready and out he came! He had his right hand by his left side of his face and elbow sticking out. His cord was wrapped around like suspenders on his shoulders. For this, I tore a tiny bit. The tear was ok and only required 2 stitches.
He slowly came out as Rebecca fixed him and she set him on my tummy. We sat there in awe and excitement. Feelings only those who have experienced it know of. We waited until the cord turned white and Justin cut it. Then she left us to feed him and be alone for 2 hours! We loved every minute of it despite how tired we were. He was born at 6:15 am,
July 6, 2006. Weighed 6’3 and 19.5″ long. He was a doll!
Since then he has been a very healthy calm baby. He never got jaundice. He nurses perfectly and is a happy boy. He doesn’t hardly cry unless hungry and in that case his cry is so quiet and cute. We are happy first time parents! The birthing center is the best! They let you do whatever you want. I never needed to go through my birth plan with them cause that is just how they do it. It is a safe home environment. The midwife we had was just so nice and accepting of us and our ways. I will always seek out the birthing centers where ever I live.
–Angela and Justin