Merry Christmas!
Christmas Wish
So, sweet Beckham comes to me one day holding his old, worn out slippers that I made him when he was a baby, and says, “Grammy–this Christmas, do you think you could make me some slippers that are, you know…bigger?”
Ummm….yep, Beck.
I can.
Masha For Christmas
Even if you can’t understand anything this little Russian cutie is saying…the message is still crystal clear.
Isn’t the Christmas season magical?
We positively LOVE Masha and the Bear!
These days between Christmas and New Year’s Day are some of my very favorite. Snowy slippers, hot chocolate, Christmas music and…
wayyy too much sugar.
This week always feels like some kind of sweet bonus to a season that goes by all too fast.
In fact, if you said that tomorrow was actually Thanksgiving Day…
…rather than New Year’s Day…
I would happily, gratefully believe it…love it, actually.
Truth be told, I’m a bit of a “bask-er.” I work very, very hard to to slow everything down…
in order to feel it all that much more. I guess I’m hoping that if we could just let all that holiday goodness soak into our hearts and let it sink to the tips of our toes, and shoot out the end of our fingers like warm lovely light–well then…
It might just be that much easier to keep it the rest of the year.
Ok, maybe just for the first half.
Because by that time, I’m already looking forward to the next season–planning, sewing, sneaking around and scheming.
Yeah….I firmly believe that living from one Christmas season to the next…
is a good, good thing.