Kimberly and Jon

Well… as excited as I was to try HypnoBirthing and natural child birth it just wasn’t in the cards for me.  At my 37 week appointment James (we named him James) was still breech.  We tried an ECV which wasn’t that bad, but did take up the good portion of my morning.  Although they saw nothing wrong, James wouldn’t budge after they tried to move him twice.  So, a c-section was scheduled.

I had long conversations with James and told him he needed to turn around but he still didn’t budge.  January 10th came and we went in for our scheduled c-section.  Dr. Gordon talked me into delivering at Orem Community.  He said it’s smaller and you get better attention and there’s a special window that peeks in on the surgery room where my c-section would happen (my mom got to watch).

I was scared and nervous, but Dr. Gordon and all the nurses at Orem Community were so reassuring and helped me calm down.  Plus my husband, Jon, was absolutely great.  He was there to hold my hand the whole time and wiped away the few nervous tears before it was all over.  He watched as they pulled James out of me and told me everything was going to be great.

And it was.

During the c-section Dr. Gordon saw that I have a heart-shaped uterus and that’s why James couldn’t and wouldn’t turn.  It was explained to me that I will most likely have all c-sections because with the heart-shaped uterus most likely my babies will all be breech.  But that’s okay.  As much as I wanted to have that labor experience c-sections are just fine.  Plus, like Dr. Gordon said, there’s always a chance that I could deliver vaginally with my future pregnancies.

The deep breathing did come in handy as I healed and learned how to breast feed.  I had never had surgery before and trust me I was trying to think of every color of the rainbow my first walk to the bathroom.  Breastfeeding didn’t come easy for me or James.  I bled and he lost weight but I would breathe through every nursing session and eventually I healed and James figured out how to latch on correctly.

Thanks for the classes and hopefully I’ll be able to use the skills I gained in an actual labor setting someday.  But until then, I’m grateful to have learned what I learned.


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